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Samhain Kitten Adventures

I know this seems a bit delayed since Samhain happened almost a full month ago but bare with me; it’s been a wild month for me. A friend of mine had taken a late evening walk with me at about 2100 at night on Samhain. The air felt amazing and the streets of my neighborhood were well lit and decorated with festive and spooky decor. We weren’t even that far into the walk when the sweetest little kitten showed up demanding attention. He was so precious that I had to give him a bit of kitty love. I’m a cat mom so obviously I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to love on a kitten!

After the kitten love, we continued our walk and I kid you not, this kitten followed ME specifically almost half a mile until I reached my home. He kept chasing after us. I even tried jogging a bit and this kitten kept running up to me again and again. He darted in front of my legs and almost caused me to wipe out twice. Well, after he followed me so far and right up onto my porch, I just could NOT leave him out there. He was so sweet and pitiful looking. He was dirty and looked like he had been having a rough time. To date, I have counted 14 strays in my neighborhood so I figure he is probably a baby from one of those many strays.

Confirmed because I saw his mommy about 2 weeks later. She is GORGEOUS.

Anyways, I brought him in and since he was small, I checked him and thought he was a GIRL. I named him Diana in honor of the full moon he was found under. I gave him a can of wet food that I normally split up between the 3 boys and he devoured every last bite before purring and passing out. I had him for about a week trying to find him a home when my cousin down in Florida offered to take him, so of course I said yes! She has always had cats all her life. I knew he would be well cared for. She just couldn’t come up to Texas to get him. Road trip!

Naughty boy!

He travelled super well and basically slept the entire time. The car ride lulled him to sleep time and time again. It was probably the easiest I have ever travelled with any animal ever. The day after I arrived in Florida, we took him in to the vet for a full kitten work up, shots, chip, etc. and the vet wound up telling us he was a BOY! Oops! Now renamed Loki (he is a mischievous little brat), he is living his best kitty life with a 2 year old big furry sister to play with.

He was an excellent co-pilot

I had always seen those cute videos on YouTube and FaceBook and thought how cool is it that a kitten followed them home! I wish that would happen to me! And it DID! I knew there was no way to keep him since the boys would hiss at him and didn’t seem like they were going to budge on their opinion but I wanted to help him! I already have 3 cats and that is a LOT of fur. I change my air filter about every 3 weeks because of all the fur that leaves it dark grey to black colored after that time. I will never go over 2 short haired cats OR 1 long hair cat again. Having 2 short hair AND 1 long hair is just so much to take care of! Sometimes I hate being a responsible adult…..

Look at that smile now they he is all bathed, debugged, and full of wet kitten food!

And sometimes, being a responsible adult means bringing a loving kitten to someone who needed a kitten in their life and had already been on the lookout for this exact personality! All in all, it was an amazing Samhain that lead to a kitten adventure and a new addition to our witchy family!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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3 years ago

You’re the best cousin in the world and I absolutely love him! He is always very close by and jumps up on me whenever I’m sitting down, sleeps on me at night, chases my feet when I walk, chews incessantly on my fingers or chin or nose or anything else he can get his teeth and claws into… I’m harness and leash training him so we can safely take lots of walks and even my mom adores him! Thank you so much for being the awesomest and bestest little witchypoo😘