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Seasonal Transitions and Fall Cleaning

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it is finally time to put up the Yule tree! If you are anything like me, you probably store seasonal decorations in a closet or the garage. Clutter tends to overwhelm our minds, make our homes look smaller, collect dust, and become an eye sore in general. Take this time while you are putting away your fall decorations and switching them for winter decorations to go through all of your seasonal items and maybe even a closet or two. Get rid of what you haven’t used! Get rid of what you know you won’t use. Styles change and so does weight. Never be embarrassed. Change is inevitable so embrace it and move on.

Fall cleaning is necessary! Clean your sacred space so that it will continue to support your mental health and keep your home running smoothly. Clutter creates chaos in the mind. It is hard for me because I ADORE pumpkins. I have so many glass, fabric, filled, light up, etc pumpkins…. but I know now that I have too many. And that is a fact. They are being stored in bins. That is too many.

My closet, and I do love clothes, was bursting and I just could not fit anything else in there. It was bursting and things couldn’t be hung up without something else falling. Something needed to be done and so, I pulled every last thing out and laid it on the bed. Then I cleaned the closet; swept, mopped, and dusted the entire thing. A little air freshener later and it was ready for things to be put back. I evaluated every single thing I owned and thought about the last time I wore it and the odds of when I would wear it again. Then I organized each item left over by type: dresses, formal, workout, witchy, random, etc. I HAD SO MUCH ROOM! And a very large pile for donation. Yes I was sad about wasted money but each time I do this, it is a good lesson for me and my wallet to really consider if I need to buy that thing or is this just retail therapy because I am depressed? Depression sucks and shopping makes me feel better. Sometimes, I get things I don’t need because of that serotonin boost I would get by buying and a second boost when it arrived and I got to open the box.

To go one step further, I have bought new hangers. All of my hangers were blue and I felt the need to change it up a little to match my aesthetic a little better. I found some lovely grey hangers and now I am switching them out as I wear each item. Once it has been laundered and is ready to be hung up, that is when I switch it to grey. Very quickly I am going to know which items I still don’t touch and which ones I do. This will help me do a second purge. I’ve even seen some people turn all the hangers around to face a different direction and at the end of the year they donate everything still flipped around. It’s a great idea and if it works for you, then hell yeah! I am very color specific and I hate backwards hanging things. It is awkward and looks terrible in my mind’s eye. But the hangers aren’t going to waste because my husband needs more hangers (he is always short hangers) so my old ones will still get used. I don’t feel like I am throwing away money and I am decluttering an often messy part of my home. I feel like I am winning and when the seasonal depression hits, those little wins can make all the difference between a manic episode and being able to keep on going.

I hope none of you suffer from seasonal depression but if you do, try this out and see if it helps! Use essential oils and candles afterwards to really uplift your spirit.

Has doing something like this ever helped you out? Let me know what you do in the comments!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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