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Spooky Podcast Recommendation

Good Morning Witches! As one who does a lot of driving and enjoys awesome stories told by amusing women, I wanted to recommend the Witches, Magic, Murder, & Mystery podcast. I am about 50 episodes in and I realized that if I enjoy it this much, I really ought to recommend it to others who enjoy some of the same things as myself. They don’t do just true crime which I am, of course, a huge fan of. They talk about stories of witches throughout history, mythical creatures, true crime, and strange disappearances. Everything from the usual popular serial killers, less known killers, strange diseases, curses, Cryptids, aliens, historical legends, and Pagan customs. As of my writing this, there are over 170+ episodes to access.

You can listen to them through all types of media as well. It can be enjoyed on all platforms that support podcasts, YouTube, Instagram, and even Facebook:

I absolutely recommend them and hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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