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Tarot Card of the Week 1

I wanted to figure out a good way to begin incorporating my practice into my life more often. Tarot is one of my favorite ways to practice to I figured, why not! I have started a thing now where I am asking one of my decks for their take on what I should focus on to have a truly successful week. It will also help me to continue memorizing the different cards!

For my first week of pulling, I drew the King of Cups. Cups are the far more emotional side of tarot. The King of Cups is one of the most influential cards in the suit of Cups. He represents creativity, emotion, and the unconscious. The card shows the ability to restrain one’s emotions and be fully in charge of your feelings and impulses. Therefore, the King of Cups represents a balance between the intellect and emotions and indicates that there is a strong relationship between understanding and feeling. What this says is that I need to work through some of my traumas. I need to understand that people act how they want and I don’t need to be upset over their actions. They may be going through something, you should listen to them and understand why they act the way they do and be merciful of their situation and actions. It is important to never let another’s lack of control affect your own so that is what I will be working on this week.

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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