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Tarot Card of the Week 3

I will not lie, drawing a card has been a huge help to me for the beginning of my weeks. I focused hard on self care the first week and I accomplished SO MUCH my second week. Taking life one card at a time has been the perfect idea. That first week let me know that self care was important after an incredibly rough time the week prior. Ensuring that I cared for me was definitely what I needed at that time. Then some progression of my dreams followed. I was incredibly productive in accomplishing a whole list of things I had been meaning to do but kept putting off.

As for this week, we have the Hanged Man! One of the Major Arcana has gifted us with the knowledge that I need acceptance and to chill the Hell out and pause to think. This is a card which is mainly designated towards waiting and suspension. This suggests that this might be the thing that you need to do in order to achieve success or to wait for the proper opportunity.

I have been very emotional as of late and I believe that this is probably exactly what I need right now. I can’t say that the deck has been wrong yet. So this week I am going to hold off on any major decisions until a calmer mind and more assured circumstances can be reached.

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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