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Tarot: Death

What better way to welcome in the new year than with the Death tarot card? But no really!

Main Association: New beginnings/ transformation/ endings

Quick Reference: Ending, transition, elimination, inexorable forces, change behavior, transformation, new beginnings, freedom, rebirth, sudden change, necessary endings, cleansing, loss, letting go, intensity, resurrection, major transformation, endings, beginnings, life cycles, transitions, big changes, endings, time to move on

Element/Sign: Water
Planet: Pluto
Zodiac: Scorpio
Chakra: Sacral
Day: Tuesday
Archangel: Azrael 
Qabalistic Correspondences: Sex organs
Color: Brown, black, dark grey, grey, purple
Crystal: Tiger’s eye, garnet, diamond, opal, loadstone, jet, ruby
Metal: Iron, tungsten
Body: Sex drive, elimination of toxins, defecation, reproduction, hemoglobin levels, intestines
Exercise: Sat Kriya Yoga for raising sexual energy
Stance: Hero’s pose, camel pose
Affirmation: All change is good

Death is one of the best known and easily recognized cards in tarot but few people are aware of its true meaning. Some decks, such as the Tarot of Marseilles and Visconti Sforza Tarot omit the name from the card, calling it “The Card with No Name”, often with the implication of a broader meaning than literal death. There are other decks that title Death as “Rebirth” or “Death-Rebirth.”

Contrary to what most tarot beginners believe drawing the Death card does not mean you are about to die. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Symbolizing release and rebirth, the Death card is about transformation and reminds us that you must be willing to let go of the past in order to embrace new opportunities. It is about new life emerging from old or a warning that you need to let go of something. It can be seen as the snake that sheds its skin as it grows or the caterpillar emerging from its cocoon as a butterfly. is an awesome tumblr with amazing artists! Check them out!

Be ready to accept change. The Death card often shows that our old way of life is no longer useful to us and warns that aspects of it need to be discarded to make space for the new to come in. This means the ending of a phase of life, job, or relationship in order to create the space for new growth. This process can be painful if you try to cling on to the past but allowing yourself to put it behind you brings in a new phase.

Death and The Tower inform us that major changes are imminent which will have powerful repercussions. Although change is necessary to our growth and development, we often resist it due to fear of the unknown. The Death card shows a sudden transformation that occurs through letting go of someone or something that is important to us, but which we have outgrown. Death is not to be taken literally!

Remember that death doesn’t necessarily mean death! But if you like Adam Ellis’ work, check out his Facebook!

The skeleton on the Death card actually represents what will remain AFTER death. And his armor and/or scythe reminds us to focus on what is invincible and cannot be destroyed. The skeleton shows a need to pare down to the ‘bones’ of an issue and to recognize what is fundamental in our lives as we make space for new beginnings. The river running through the center of the card shows a new beginning for emotions and a need to move on and go willingly with the flow of change.

Often, there is a white rose on the card which is the symbol of purification and the beginning of new life. Sometimes there are 2 pillars and the sun rises between them symbolizing drawing of a new phase of life. Crowns show often that desire for prestiege or possessions can trap us while the scythe represents the clean cut we need to make from the past.

it is uncommon that this card actually represents a physical death, rather it typically implies an end, possibly of a relationship or interest, and therefore an increased sense of self-awareness. It is the end of one phase of our lives, not literal death. This symbolism challenges us to look beyond death as we know it and focus on our capacity to rise above our pain and re-invent ourselves.

A reversed Death warns you that holding on to the past brings only pain and can prevent you from moving on to new experiences. Fear of letting go can hinder growth and create conflict.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Crossing a threshold
  • Beginning a new cycle
  • Fresh start
  • Transformation
  • Rebirth
  • End
  • mortality
  • destruction
  • corruption

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • Loss
  • Grief
  • Ending cycle
  • Inertia
  • sleep
  • lethargy
  • petrifaction
  • somnambulism
  • hope destroyed

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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