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Tarot: Eight of Wands/Clubs

To further my own tarot knowledge, I will randomly pull a card here and there and then discuss it thoroughly. All of the notes I have on that card goes into my Book of Shadows in the divination section so that during readings, I can access it quickly if I need to. This is a method I like to use to focus on learning the card thoroughly, as well as making sure I have it memorized. Personally, I can’t learn if there is the distraction of another 71 other cards involved. Focusing on one particular card for an hour or so is what helps me to memorize. The first card that I pulled today was the Eight of Wands.

Main Association: Activity/ Movement

Quick Reference: Passion, speed, flight/travel, activation, change, news/messages, conclusions with new arrivals, communication

The Eight of Wands is a card of long distance messages and instant communication. Focus on the Eight of Wands when you want to communicate quickly and effectively. Traditionally, the Eight of Wands was associated with long distance travel, as well as the arrival of letters and communications from afar. Although times have changed, the card’s meaning still applies. We still communicate across long distances and we exchange information in real time.


  • Everything will quickly take shape
  • All will come together nicely
  • New you welcome
  • Significant life change
  • Travel/ possibly a big move
  • Expect the unexpected
  • Great help is coming
  • Freedom
  • Holiday romance
  • Good communication


  • Things are moving too fast
  • Being unable to stay on top of everything
  • Gossip causing trouble
  • Warning against speculations
  • Lacking speed/movement
  • Lack of progress/ control
  • Delayed travel and missed chances
  • An interference
  • An unexpected visit
  • Lack of energy/ romance
  • A sense of Desperation, such as an urgent need for money

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,