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Tarot: Justice

Main Association: Decision

Quick Reference: Unfailingly just, justice, balance, harmony, fairness, karma, cause and effect, truth comes out, responsibility, decisions

Element/Sign: Air
Planet: Venus
Zodiac: Libra
Chakra: Heart, Crown
Day: N/A
Archangel: Raphael, Chamuel, Ariel, Anael, Uriel, Shekinah, Jeremiel
Qabalistic Correspondences: Liver
Color: Green
Crystal: Aventurine, green tourmaline, ametrine, chrysoprase, jade, opal, lapis lazuli, chrysolite
Metal: Copper
Body: Homeostasis, kidneys, uro-genital system, female genitals, pelvis
Exercise: Dance, yoga, gymnastics
Stance: Cobra Pose
Affirmation: I generate peace and harmony and bring it with me wherever I go

The Justice tarot card is a symbol of truth, fairness, and law. As she sits in her chair, the scales in her left hand represent how intuition should balance logic. The figure in the Justice card holds two objects: a scale in one hand as a symbol of balance and a sword in the other to exemplify the preservation of that equilibrium even by means of force. The Justice card indicates that the fairest decision will be made. Justice is the sword that cuts through a situation, and will not be swayed by outer beauty when deciding what is fair and just. Justice can indicate that you are concerned with issues of fairness and reminds us of the importance of objectivity.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Balance and equilibrium
  • Cause and effect
  • Fairness
  • Justice
  • Responsibility

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • Dishonesty
  • Imbalance
  • Lack of accountability
  • Legal flaws
  • Unfair treatment

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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