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Tarot: The Chariot

Main Association: Victory

Quick Reference: Victory, will, self-assertion, hard control, receptivity, control, willpower, tradition, achievement through effort, self-master, action, force, assertion, conventional expectations, conformity, autonomy,

Element/Sign: Water
Planet: Moon
Zodiac: Cancer, Sagittarius
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Archangel: Camael, Michael
Qabalistic Correspondences: Stomach
Color: Yellow, red, white
Crystal: Citrine, moonstone, ruby, pearl
Body: Chest, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, elbows, digestion, womb
Exercise: Anything which moves you forward with speed where it is necessary to stay focused in order to maintain your balance. Swimming
Stance: Yoga Warrior II pose
Affirmation: I move forward with clarity and poise, staying connected and protected.

Important keywords for the Chariot card are motion, balance, skill, control, and determination. This card is also known as Lord of the Triumph of Light. It symbolizes the water element, which means dealing with emotions.

One of the metaphysical meanings of Chariot card is “domination of spirit over form”. It represents the very notion of “concentration attained by dedication”. To this card we assign the Moon as a celestial body. The horoscope sign Cancer. The Chariot indicates being able to make use of your emotions to control what you want deep down in your heart. You can also use your emotions as a means for achieving your life goals.

On the Tree of Life, each Major Arcana card is linked to a certain path that connects two nearby Sephirot. This card connect Binah and Geburah, and corresponds to path number 18. It is worth noticing that the Angelic hierarchy of the Binah sephirot are the Thrones. In that sense, the Chariot can be considered a mobile Throne of God. If you look closely, you will notice that the Charioteer carries the Urim and Thummim, associated with the Hebrew High Priest’s breastplate. They must run in the same direction to achieve victory, so you have to have control. The bottom line is: if you don’t have control over your needs, wants, and emotions, you can’t commit to your goals.

At the same time, motivation and confidence are required as well, that is, if you want to get things moving in the right direction. This Tarot card can also represent new ideas and inspiration to get you to action, for example, in case you encounter arduous and challenging situations.

Fear is something very negative. Fear is one of the most destructive emotions that needs to be mastered. It can only weaken you, unless you are able to face it and turn it into something constructive. If you reach the stage of control over your emotional world, you can do almost anything!

Once you overcome your fear, you can bypass the restrictions of your own lower self, and that’s when success comes knocking on your door. The spiritual message of this card cold be formulated like this: “Don’t be distracted by anything that tries to pull you away from your goals.

In its reversed position, the Chariot tarot card implies lack of emotions, defeat, loss. It can also mean losing control over your desire, passions, or emotions in general. It can mean losing direction or purpose in life. The reverse Chariot could also indicate that the Querent knows what their goals are, but have lost determination and faith in them.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Victory over adversity
  • Crushing obstacles
  • Ambition towards goals
  • Deserved victory
  • Self control
  • Effort
  • Perseverance
  • Willpower
  • Movement
  • Success

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • Lack of control
  • Aggression
  • Lack of direction
  • Opposition
  • Egotistical
  • Arrogance
  • Wrong direction
  • Inertia

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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