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Tarot: The Moon

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Main Association: Illusion/ Deception/ Fear/ Unseen

Quick Reference: Fear, illusion, imagination, bewilderment, deception, compassion, following one’s instincts, the unknown, insecurity, mystery, unseen, problems, voluntary changes, trust your intuition, vision

Element/Sign: Water
Planet: Moon, Jupiter
Zodiac: Pisces
Chakra: Third Eye
Day: Tuesday
Archangel: Sachiel, Raziel, Zadkiel, Gabriel
Qabalistic Correspondences: Legs, feet
Color: Purple, Crimson
Crystal: Amethyst, pearl, sapphire, emerald
Metal: Tin
Body: The pineal gland, lymphatic system, bodily fluids, feet
Exercise: Floating, sweating it out with Bikram yoga
Stance: Moon salutations
Affirmation: I feel the fear and go fuck it! Because if I want to do it I’ll do it anyway

Like the moon when it is crescent, things can often be hidden. The Moon reminds us of the power of intuition. The card warns the person that things are not as they seem. A lot of misunderstandings arising from an incorrect assessment of the situation or because of someone’s dishonesty. All this suppresses the human spirit and can lead to frustration and depression.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Fear
  • illusion
  • imagination
  • bewilderment
  • deception
  • compassion
  • the unknown
  • mystery
  • unseen
  • problems
  • Welcome cycles
  • Femininity
  • Subconscious

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • All is not as it seems for the worst
  • Infidelity and unfaithfulness
  • Dangerous situations
  • Negative energies
  • Confusion
  • Unhappiness
  • Releasing fear
  • Deception
  • Blocked intuition

Witch Tip: To leave behind sadness, find The Sun and The Moon. The cards in between them are the number of steps you must take to move forward.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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