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Tarot: The Star

Main Association: Happiness/ generosity/ Renewal

Quick Reference: Hope, inspiration, generosity, serenity,  meditation, renewal, uniqueness, inspiration, happiness, revelation, discovery, spirituality, inner clarity, miracles, faith, being in the spotlight, restoration

Element/Sign: Air
Zodiac: Aquarius
Chakra: Crown
Archangel: Uriel, Shekinah, Jeremiel
Qabalistic Correspondences: Kidneys, bladder
Color: Electric blue, yellow, violet,  purple
Crystal: Onyx, topaz, sapphire, amethyst
Metal: Silver, lead, uranium
Body: Calves, ankles, shins, circulatory system
Exercise: Jogging
Stance: Bridge pose
Affirmation: I act and speak with the highest good of all in mind

The Star suggests wishing on a star, trust your hopes and dreams. The Star is a card of healing and balance. It represents your ability to connect with the source of life and inspiration.

The Star card follows the Tower and embodies the calm that comes after a storm, the inner peace that arises after a difficult time. It symbolizes feelings of hope, optimism, and renewal. This card also represents the ability to connect with the source of love, harmony, and creativity. It represents your ability to discover or rediscover your dreams and to focus on bringing these dreams to fruition.

There is a sense of effortlessness with the Star card. All feels well with the world, and matters and events seem to resolve themselves naturally and easily. This card represents a healing that begins deep within yourself and then manifests itself in all areas of your life. Life takes on a rosy glow and feels rich with promise. The Star card suggests that there is a sparkling clarity of vision and purpose that enhances positivity in your life. The Star card represents serenity and satisfaction gained from finding an inner balance.

The Star has purity, oneness, and transformative energy. She kneels naked, connected to the earth and sky. Think tantric, connected sex that is highly spiritual in nature.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Hope
  • Healing
  • Faith
  • Spirituality
  • Renewal
  • Inspiration
  • Serenity
  • Inspiration
  • Creativity
  • Healing

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • Loss of hope
  • Feelings of isolation
  • Feelings of abandonment
  • Rest, renewal, and inspiration are needed
  • Doubt
  • Negativity
  • Disenchantment
  • Lack of faith
  • Despair
  • Discouragement

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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