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Tarot: The Sun

Main Association: Expansion

Quick Reference: Enlightenment, greatness, vitality, assurance, expansion, life, warmth, self-expression, success, fulfillment, illumination, understanding, strength, fun, warmth, love, positivity, enlightenment, vitality, material happiness, joyous outcome, light

Element/Sign: Fire
Planet: Sun
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Day: Wednesday
Archangel: Michael, Camael
Qabalistic Correspondences: Circulatory system
Color: Yellow, gold
Crystal: Citrine, yellow calcite,  pyrite
Metal: Gold
Body: Vitality, general feeling of wellbeing
Exercise: Any exercise taken outdoors
Stance: Sun salutations
Affirmation: I radiate my True Self with confidence and attract only positive people and circumstances in return

The Sun card illuminates your current situation; it promotes positive energy and growth, banishing all constraints and troubles from your life.

The Sun card signifies growth, life affirming energy, joy, playfulness, creativity, and love. It symbolizes the light of knowledge, which encompasses the wisdom to use the knowledge constructively. This card represents a sense of freedom, of childlike awe and wonder. It indicates release from troubles that may have appeared to inhibit growth, but also reminds you that these constraints have prompted the ability to understand and to overcome limitations.

In the journey of the soul explored through the major arcana, the Sun reveals a time during which the expression of your potential can truly begin to blossom. In a reading, the Sun indicates that a period of waiting or introspection has ended, and opportunities are joyfully grasped with both hands. This is a time of great happiness.

The Sun shines so that its light is available for the use of everyone. The Sun card employs generous imagery, the sunshine brings light to all and the couple share their positive experience.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Enlightenment
  • greatness
  • vitality
  • life
  • success
  • fulfillment
  • positivity,
  • enlightenment
  • joyous outcome

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • Good things of life are present but no acknowledged
  • Lack of spontaneity
  • Lack of joyful self expression
  • Things appear worse than they are
  • False impressions
  • Small success
  • Lack of satisfaction
  • Pessimism
  • Burnout

Witch Tip: To leave behind sadness, find The Sun and The Moon. The cards in between them are the number of steps you must take to move forward.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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