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Tarot: The World

Main Association: Accomplishment

Quick Reference: Integration, accomplishment, involvement, fulfillment, completion, travel, renewal, success, bliss

Element/Sign: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Zodiac: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Chakra: Root
Day: Thursday
Archangel: Cassiel, Metatron, Samael
Qabalistic Correspondences: Excretory system
Color: Black, grey, brown
Crystal: Hematite, black tourmaline, brown jasper, snowflake obsidian, smoky quartz, onyx, jet, garnet
Metal: Lead
Body: Longevity, symptoms carried over from a past life
Exercise: Any disciplined regimen, diligently carried out on a regular basis
Stance: Tree pose
Affirmation: I recognize my achievements, giving thanks to all who helped me along the way and responsibly embark on my next journey- long term goal clearly in sight.

Life moves in cycles of conception, birth, growth, death, decay, and rebirth. The major arcana cards remind us of this. The Fool is the beginning of the major arcana, the first step that propels us forward into new experiences. The Fool is the point where all the potential in the cycle lies. The World is not the end, but the start of a new cycle. The World is the culmination of the cycle and does not signify the end, because it sets the Fool onto another new cycle.

The World card evokes the cycles of completion and renewal you experience in all stages of your life. The World is the final card in the sequence of the Major Arcana. It doesn’t represent the end of growth and experience, but rather the beginning of a new cycle. The World card incorporates the wisdom gathered throughout the journey of the previous 21 cards and takes this into the next phase of Tarot.

When drawn in a tarot reading, this card signifies that you are complete. Lessons have been learned and there is a sense of freedom, of liberation from past encumbrances. Life is viewd as good, everything is seen to have its place in the learning process; all seems perfect, bright, and luminously fresh. There is a tremendous joy and fulfillment and a willingness to embrace life fully and to welcome in the new. In a reading, the World embodies the essence of success, happiness, and completion.

On the card is a hermaphroditic figure integrating the masculine and feminine princisples to form a complete unified entity. The wreath is a symbol of rebirth and renewal, triumph and success. The creatures that surround embody the different aspects of human nature.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Grounded
  • Reflection
  • Ending cycles
  • Structure
  • Liberation
  • Peace
  • Success
  • Completion
  • Goals
  • Travel

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • Events are slowing down
  • Changes take place beneath the surface
  • All will be revealed once you have determined to keep moving forward
  • Not grounded
  • Incomplete
  • Stuck

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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