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Tarot: Wheel of Fortune

Main Association: Destiny

Quick Reference: Cycles, expansion, change, luck, karma, destiny, turning point, good fortune, gambling, movement, personal vision,

Planet: Jupiter
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer
Chakra: Throat, foot chakras
Day: Sunday
Archangel: Raphael, Michael, Zadkiel, Camael
Qabalistic Correspondences: Digestive system
Color: Blue
Crystal: Blue sapphire, blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, amethyst, topaz, sugilite
Metal: Tin
Body: Vitality levels in general, the feet (Pisces) and hips (Sagittarius), brings a sense of optimism that is beneficial to the process of recovering from any illness
Element/Sign: Fire + water
Exercise: Horse riding, free running
Stance: The Wheel Pose followed by Child’s Pose
Affirmation: I courageously expand in the direction of my divine desire

In this card, we see a revolving wheel which represents the wheel of life. In each corner of the card we see four winged creatures sitting upon clouds. These creatures represent the four elements of minor arcana. A common aspect to most interpretations of this card within a reading is to introduce an element of change in the querent’s life, such change being in station, position or fortune: such as the rich becoming poor, or the poor becoming rich.

The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the unpredictable nature of the universe. A big picture card, it shows us that nothing is fixed. Our situations are constantly changing and what starts out as good or bad will soon change into something else. In this sense this is a card of transformation that can be read many different ways. It all depends on how we approach our place on the wheel. Fighting the changes that come with The Wheel of Fortune is a fool’s errand. It’ll simply spin again, bringing us somewhere new. This is a card that encourages flexibility, creative thinking, and taking opportunities when they arise. It’s best to make hay while the sun shines because The Wheel will spin again and who knows where to. Preparation is well and good, but when you don’t know what’s next it can turn into a waste of energy.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Chance
  • Change
  • Destiny
  • Luck
  • Opportunity
  • Winning
  • Dynamism

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • Bad luck
  • Disappointment
  • Misfortune
  • Mishap
  • Unforeseen setbacks
  • Unpredictable

Witch Tip: For a situation that is not going your way, find the Wheel of Fortune in your deck. The two cards on either side are the solution to your problem.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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