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Tea Time- How to avoid getting thrown out

There is a lot of etiquette involved in a proper tea time. It would be a shame to be removed due to bad etiquette! Etiquette has been very important for millennia and only in the last 100 years or so have people become far more casual and comfortable with our interactions. Many high end tea houses still hold certain rules and you wouldn’t want to be rude! Here are just a few to help you out!

Keep your napkin folded diagonally in a triangle shape across your lap. Your napkin should never touch the table once you are seated. Always leave the napkins on your lap or on the chair if you must leave the table.

Never pour your tea to the brim. Pour the brewed tea to fill the cup only half way. You can then add milk, sugar, or lemon to your taste. Never add lemon and milk together in the same cup, the milk will curdle.

It is considered rude to swirl one’s tea in wide circular motions.  You must position the teaspoon at 6 o’ clock to begin. Any added liquid should be lightly folded towards 12 o’ clock, 2 or 3 times. Do not let your teaspoon touch the edge of your cup.

When you have finished your delicate swirling, don’t leave your teaspoon standing upright in your teacup. Under no circumstances should one ever sip from the spoon. Take the small spoon and place it on the right side of the tea saucer.

Control your fingers. While your aristocratic fingers may feel the need to extend your little finger, resist the urge and keep your little finger down. This type of extravagant behavior is actually considered improper. Use your thumb, index finger, and middle finger to grip the cup’s handle. Never grasp the bowl of the cup with one’s hand.

Unless assisted by maids or servers, there should be designated ‘pourers’ on duty to dispense tea. No one should pour more than 15-20 minutes. Do not pour your own tea.

One must sip, and not slurp, one’s tea.

One does not ‘dunk’ a biscuit. This would be considered primitive and rude. It would leave crumbs in the cup.

Never dig into your scone no matter how hungry you may be. Take your knife and split your scone in half. Butter is placed on one part of the scone, jam on the other. If you desire Devonshire cream, place a dollop on top of the jam.

Sandwiches should be eaten in small bites. Use the utensils to place them on your plate, and break off one bite size piece at a time. Never take large bites, and never speak with your mouth full.

Most of the foods served at afternoon tea will be finger foods. At tea, there will be more savory items. Never use your fingers to eat these; now is the time to pick up your fork.

The scones and sandwiches were delicious and filling, but you were not able to finish your last cucumber and cress sandwich. Whatever food you don’t finish, leave it at the table. There are no doggie bags at afternoon or high tea.

Hopefully this will be of some help to you during your next tea party!

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