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The Best Chicken and Broccoli Cheesy Casserole

Original recipe can be found here!

Fall is all about soups and casseroles and comfort food! This dish was an absolute delight!

Prep Time: 15min
Cook Time: 1hour

olive oil 1 tbsp
1 onion chopped in small
2 chicken breasts chopped in small
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp black pepper
4 minced garlic cloves
¾ cup uncooked rice
10 oz cream of chicken soup (1 can)
3 cups chicken broth less salty
2 cups broccoli florets
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 tbsp chopped parsley

Take a large skillet and heat the olive oil. Then add medium size onion and square-cut chicken pieces. Cook until they turn brown. Add salt and pepper for flavor. Cook for 30 more seconds. Next, put in rice, chicken soup and 2 cups of chicken broth. you can add more. Cook the rice Fully. It should be done in fifteen minutes. Add broccoli and cheese and cook for two more minutes to soften it. Then add cheese cover on the top and put on a broiler until it turns brown. Sprinkle parsley on top at the end and enjoy. Cover this creamy mix with more cheese and spread it all on the top. It will look like mac and cheese but it tastes way better. The cheese cover will melt, spreading the flavor on the tender chicken broccoli and rice.

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