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The Epic of Gilgamesh Part 2

There is much discussion of the ancient gods and goddesses of that area in this story and so for those witches who use them as their patron deity, this is an excellent way to get closer to them and learn more about them, their personalities, and their reactions to humans and monsters.

Name Race Gender Presented as
Gilgamesh 2⁄3 God, 1⁄3 Man Male King
Shamash God Male The Glorious Sun
Hadad God Male God of the Stars
Anu God Male God of Firmament
Ishtar Goddess Female Goddess of Love
Ninhursa Goddess Female Goddess of Creation
Enkidu 1⁄3 Man, 2⁄3 Beast Male Created as equal of Gilgamesh
Ninurta God Male God of War
Nisaba Goddess Female Goddess of Corn
šamuqan God Male God of Cattle
Ninsun Goddess Female Mother of Gilgamesh; Queen
Enlil God Male Father of the Gods
Humbaba Giant   Guardian of the forest
Aya     Bride of Shamash
Lugulbanda God   Guardian God
Tammuz     Lover of Ishtar’s youth
Antum   Female Mother of Ishtar
Etana Human Male King of Kish
Ereshkigal God Female Queen of the Underworld
Siduri Demigod or goddess Female Brewer of beer at the edge of the world
Urshanabi Human Male Ferryman
Utnapishtim “the Faraway” Human Male King and priest
Aruru Goddess Female Goddess of human creation
Shamhat Human Female Temple Prostitute

“Gilgamesh was the possessor of all understanding. He had wisdom of all things. He had seen all. He all knowledge possessed. Wise is he beyond measure. He knew of the secret and of the mystery. He knew of the time before the great flood. He built the mighty Ramparts of the high walled city of Uruk and also the walls of the hallowed Temple Eanna, that sacred sanctuary. The mighty Rampart shines like copper. The temple Eanna was the dwelling place of the Goddess Ishtar. No King will ever surpass its like. The walls of Uruk have a wall. The length of one league is the city, one league is the date Grove, one league is the Clay Pit, half a league is the Temple of Ishtar. Three leagues and a half is the measure of Uruk.”

Gilgamesh was unsurpassed in strength. Taller than all others, he was Majestic and fearsome. Surpassing all Kings, renowned for his stature, Gilgamesh towered over all others. He was the hero, valorous son of Uruk. The great Wild Bull. He took the Vanguard in war, as a leader should in those days. The rear guard of his army did he likewise defend. He was a powerful force and a protector of his Warriors. He traversed the oceans and sailed the wide Seas into the sunrise seeking eternal life. Through the force of his invincible might he journeyed over a far distance to reach Utanapishtim, The Immortal one, who survived the great flood. Gilgamesh restored the sanctuary the Deluge had destroyed and brought back the sacred rites.

Gilgamesh was the son of King Lugalbanda and suckling child of the great wild cow goddess, Ninsun. Two-thirds of him was God, one third of him was man. The Great Goddess Aruru, mother of all birth, designed the form of his body. Ea, the thought of wisdom, endowed him with perfection. He was perfect in face, perfect in form, perfect in mind. Gilgamesh with stately and features and lofty in height. He was arrogant and merciless and lusted after the maidens. His lust was unbounded. Gilgamesh was a man of many moods. Mighty in manhood, his Vigor was unsurpassed. He sleeps not, neither by day nor night. His strength is great.

He ruled the Sumerian city-state of Uruk, the capital city of ancient Mesopotamia in the B.C. era. He was an ultimate, transcendent being so divine and no others in the world could match him.

“In Uruk did dwell Gilgamesh, the unvanquished. The high walled city of Uruk, where the people are resplendent in their festive attire. Each day in Uruk is a revel. Each day the lyre and the drum do sound. There are Temple harlots, most commonly in countenance, enticed great men into their beds.”

He was a despot possessing high divinity who believed he was invincible. He is not merely a legend, and is said to have actually existed and ruled during the Sumer Dynasty five thousand years ago. He was the King of Heroes who possessed all things in the world, whose tale is recorded in mankind’s oldest epic poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh which portrays Gilgamesh as a hero, destined to be king and achieve great feats, who is driven to meet his destiny, facing challenges together with his best friend Enkidu.

His title, King of Heroes, is not meant to call him a king who is a hero, but instead implies that he is the king over all heroes. He is mankind’s oldest hero, the origin of all myths and model on which heroes are based, so his story is copied within the mythologies of all the countries of the world. The heroes of various myths are derived from his legend, so his Gate of Babylon possesses all of their Noble Phantasms. Though there are numerous kings with titles such as the King of Knights or the King of Conquerors, he is the only one in all of heaven and earth crowned with the title of “King of All Heroes.”

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