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Three of Wands

Main Association: Progress/ discovery, understanding

Quick Reference: wealth, treachery, dreams come true, Preparation, Established strength, Business, Exploration, foresight, leadership, progress, discovery, satisfaction, creation, Creativity, teamwork, commerce, expansion, travel, preparation, group energy, fate, luck, successful enterprise, Community, help, opportunity, change of partner

Alchemical Symbol: Add a line under the symbol for a reverse reading
Standard Suit: Clubs/ wands
Element/Sign: Fire
Zodiac: Aries, leo, sagittarius
Crystal: carnelian, star sapphire, pearl

The importance of carefully planning each step towards your goal in order to achieve success is emphasized in the three of wands. The three of wands in a tarot reading symbolizes success and accomplishment. There is a general sense of inner peace and a feeling of contentment that comes from your achievements. This positive mood provides a solid foundation that can be built upon. Whereas the two of wands seems slightly bored with and blasé about past conquests and seeks new experiences out of a craving for pure adventure, the three of wands intends to expand your horizons without relinquishing the original vision and its goals. Be flexible and open minded as your work hard towards your goals. Dreams turn into reality through hard work/strength of character and will ensuring ideas come to fruition.

The new experiences that are sought after with this card are carefully considered with the aim of gathering as much relevant knowledge and information as possible. Armed with these empowering tools, you are placed in a better position to secure the current situation. Therefore, the three of wands also signifies the importance of solidity and stability. Your present work may take some time to develop further but follow the program you are now on. Keep working hard and you will find it pays off. The aid that you have given some of your loved ones recently is about to bear fruit. Caution them, however, against laziness for this is a critical time in their lives. This applies to both sexes.


  • Exploration
  • Foresight
  • Leadership
  • Progress
  • Discovery
  • Satisfaction
  • Opportunity
  • Travel
  • Team work
  • Help from others
  • Expansion
  • growth


  • loss of stability
  • insecurity
  • inadequate planning
  • delays and setbacks
  • waiting for clarity
  • working with others if you are an introvert
  • lost direction
  • lack of growth

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