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Crystals: Topaz

Picture from JewelryJealousy

Birthstone: November
Meaning: Strength
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus
Zodiac: Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Planet: Jupiter, Mercury
MOH’s Scale: 8
Element: Air (blue), Fire (yellow), Water (blue)
Anniversary Gift: 4th year

Mined primarily in Sri Lanka, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, and the United States, topaz is comprised of the minerals aluminum and fluorine. Due to its rarity, red or pink topaz is given the highest market value. The most famous topaz is actually a colorless topaz that was originally thought to be a diamond. It is a 1680 carat stone known as the Braganza Diamond set in the Portuguese Crown Jewels.

Topaz is known as the “stone of the sun” and allows one to focus their wishes and dreams into it, while its many facets reflect and beam them out into the universe for fulfillment. Topaz is famed for its protective properties, and these can be put to use in many different ways, from relieving stress and tension to helping you fight an addiction. Topaz encourages us to be benevolent in our outlook and helps promote a more selfless approach to life, being more considerate of the needs of others. It is a stone of strength, happiness, spirituality, and loyalty.

Topaz is a powerfully magnetic healing stone, absorbing tension, pain, and disease. As it can also reduce stress levels, it is a very useful stone for people involved in the caring professions or other stressful jobs. Topaz is said to cure fever, colds, asthma, gout, and insomnia. It helps people with anger management issues and strengthens the mind while helping to prevent mental illness. To release tension at the end of a long day, hold your topaz in your hand while you are soaking in a hot bath and visualize yourself being bathed in its golden light, surrounding your aura and energizing you as it drains away all the stress and tension that has built up during the day.

Topaz is famous for its usefulness in getting rid of nightmares and it can also be used to encourage your mind to dream clearly. For both these purposes, it’s best to keep your topaz under your pillow when you go to sleep at night. If you want to be able to dream lucidly, you should begin by carrying your topaz around your neck in a small silk pouch. Whenever you are feeling especially happy, take the topaz out of its pouch and hold it tightly in your hand. When you dream at night, try to imagine the topaz in your hand. As soon as you manage to do this, you are lucid and begin to take control of your dream. This does take a lot of practice though, so be sure to persevere even if you feel disheartened.

The Romans connected topaz with the patriarch of their pantheon, Jupiter. Ancient Greeks believed topaz had the ability to provide strength and power in times of need as well as the strange belief which held that it exuded a milky fluid to cure rabies. On the other hand, Ancient Egyptians held the belief that the sun god Ra imbued topaz with a golden radiance, giving the gemstone great power to guide and protect the faithful. If you wish to harness the solar energy of this deity in your magic, make an offering of orange topaz to Ra on your altar. Ancient lore states that topaz can reduce heat, and even cool boiling water. 13th century belief held that a topaz engraved with a falcon helped its wearer gain the goodwill of kings, princess, and magnates.

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,