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Werewolf Lure

This was actually a very fun and easy craft to do. It adds a great ambiance to the house. Or if you don’t plan to leave it out all year long and only want it as a Halloween craft, that works as well!

To begin with, I had a stack of sticker labels and one of them said werewolf lure which is why I decided to make this craft for my home. I had a cheap plastic container that I had gotten from Michael’s craft store for $3.99. I used mod podge and a regular brown paper bag for lunches to add that more Apothecary feel to the lid. The first thing I did was placed the sticker on the container as neatly and straight as I could so that I would know how much of the paper bag could cover the top. After that, I glued a large swatch of the paper bag to the lid and then trimmed around the extra after it was dry. While the glue is drying, I took a de-shedding brush and brushed out Tsar Nikolai Romanov because spring is coming and he definitely needed the brushing. The pile of fur I had after could have made another cat. The curse of the longhair!

This was not all of his fur… this is the small portion I put aside to work with for the lure….

I took a little of his extra fur and tied it together with sinew and added a wolf howling at the moon silver charm. This completed the actual lure piece that was going to be inside of the container. This was pretty easy overall but I did take the extra time to brush it out straight and trim the top.

Finally, after I trimmed the brown paper bag to make a neat circle around the top that screws on, I glued a little of the overhanging paper to the sides of the top and wrapped a thin rope material around the lid so that it would be secured and again, have that Apothecary look. Afterwards, to ensure it stayed in place, I used Mod Podge to seal everything.

The final product came out a lot better than I thought it would. King Charlemagne was a delight and kept me company throughout the whole process. He also walked off with my werewolf lure at one point and had to be chased around the house to retrieve it. I wonder what that says about him…

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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