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What Is Self Care? is a great resource for feel good stories and advice. Some days are harder than others but you are what you immerse yourself in.

A lot of people think self care is wine in a bubble bath or a shopping spree but it is far more than that. It is taking care of yourself in every sense of the word. This is everything from spoiling your body to reducing stress to boundaries and pursuing the things that make you truly happy. 90% of your happiness comes from your partner and the rest of it comes from your job. Misunderstandings are easy and so is putting yourself second. The reason so many women love a bath with wine and the door locked isn’t just because these things are lovely, it is because they are finally taking a moment to put themselves first. Putting yourself first isn’t a sin. Your mental health and happiness is worth it.

How can you practice your craft if your mind is crowded with sadness and guilt and shame? Your spells won’t work as well or you may not even have the will to practice your craft or care for your sacred space. That is no way to live. Your mental health, spirituality, and life deserve the very best and it is time you give them exactly what they are looking for. Say no to rude in-laws visiting when it makes you uncomfortable. Pursue your goals even if it is difficult. That time will pass anyways. Forgive yourself for not always being the very best you can be because we all have off days. And if it doesn’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it.

Now go to your altar or wherever and light a candle in honor of yourself! You deserve it!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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