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Why do I believe in ghosts? Part 2!

Normally I wouldn’t do a post like this so soon after the first one if I didn’t have a lot to add on to my ghostly experiences….. but for some reason, I have had a rather large amount of paranormal activity in the last 4 months alone! All of my other experiences in the last post covered the last 5 or so years. I’m not complaining, mind you. It has never scared me. But the activity has definitely picked up.

June2020- The devil’s ivy that I have on my bookshelf in the living room started to rustle for about 4-6 seconds straight, the arms moving around without any help but only at the bottom like something was batting at the bottom tendrils. They have been like that for months and never moved before. No cats in the room. Air not on. I kept watching it from the dining room and finally said “well that’s interesting,” and it immediately stopped.

July2020- A friend of mine came over to hang out and while we were talking, my friend watched the stick portion of a really beautiful Mardi Gras mask that I got in Paris start moving back and forth on the wall of my living room. She freaked out as any normal person would. The mask was behind me so she saw it while we were talking. We talked about it a few months later and she was still a bit freaked over it happening. Her exact words were “I’m pretty sure you saw my eyes move from you to the mask, back to you, and the second time they moved to the mask, you saw how freaked out I was when you asked if I was ok before I told you what I saw.”

September2020- My cousin came up from Florida to take care of me during and after my surgery. She is also a Hekatean Witch and has had her own paranormal experiences in the past so she recognized it right away for what it was. She kept it to herself at first. I had never told her my house was haunted and since I had just had surgery and this was her first time in my home here in Texas, she didn’t want to offend me. Later on, it happened again and she gently asked me about it. I laughed because of course I knew my house was haunted but I always seem to forget to tell other people……

The first time was in the kitchen while she was making me dinner a day or two after my surgery. She felt a presence. She described it as not ominous or evil, but merely a presence that was there. Almost like how you are aware of someone when they are standing close to you. The second time she said she actually saw him and described him to me. Yup! This was my ghost! I named him Frank as a joke from a Facebook post I once saw:

Frank is of average height, late 40s to early 50s, bald white man. He usually dresses pretty dad casual. I’ve see him on a number of occasions. I think he might be shy because he doesn’t allow you to see him for very long if you do manage to catch a glimpse. When you do see him, he lacks deep colors and seems faded. You can always see through him.

September2020- After my cousin left and I was alone again, I had been sitting at the table drinking tea and reading when a drawer on my buffet, which is held closed on magnets and never acted this way before, slid open as if it had just been opened for someone to look inside. This happened right in front of me about 5 feet away on the other side of my dining table. No cats around and I hadn’t gone in that drawer for at least a week.

October2020- I was in a very deep sleep (and as a reminder, I live alone minus the fur babies) when all of a sudden, I heard a very deep MAN’S voice plain as day right next to me say “KNOCK KNOCK”, and right as he said that, Charlemagne pushed closed one of my dresser drawers that he had managed to paw open. I would say this is the ONLY ghostly instance that actually really freaked me out because I was asleep and therefore, not aware of my surroundings. I yelled out “GODDAMNIT FRANK! YOU’RE NOT FUNNY!” and it hasn’t happened since. Frank is going to find his transparent ass smudged and exorcised right out of my house if he thinks he can carry on with those kinds of pranks…….

October2020- I was walking from my bathroom, through my bedroom, and to my hallway while I was cleaning the house when all of a sudden, I did see a 2 and a half foot vertical black smoky pillar floating at about the height of an average human in my bedroom over right near my closet storage closet door. That one I stared at for a while and the smoke seemed to move in the manner of a lava lamp but wasn’t doing anything other than floating there so I just continued on my business. Vertical black smoky pillars gotta do what vertical black smoky pillars gotta do. No need to interrupt their business while I need to finish cleaning.

November2020- And the most recent experience that happened to me was with the new kitten, Loki! Loki was the little kitten that I had rescued on Samhain. I had mostly kept Loki in the guest bedroom while I was looking for someone to adopt him since I wasn’t aware of if he had any transferrable diseases. However, while trying to find him a home, I knew it wasn’t fair to keep him all locked up in a room by himself so I would shut the boys into my bedroom and let Loki roam around a bit. I have a covered litter box and I caught him batting at what seemed to be thin black cat in my litter box. That is what it looked like through the small windows on the covered litter box. (My litter box looks like an end table with a few slats for air flow and a small door for the boys to get in and out). As a reminder, I don’t own a thin black cat. My FAT black cat was shut away in the bedroom with the other 2. I walked over just in case Constantine had gotten out and was trying to do his business while Loki was bothering him and then as I approached the litter box, the black cat disappeared, almost faded away into the shadows, and Loki stopped batting his paw before trotting off like nothing had happened. I have since named this little black cat ghost Fluffy Frank. Very original, I know.

November2020- This one has a bit of a situation attached to it so it is a little longer of a story. I had just gotten my grocery list together and was about to go out grocery shopping when every single towel in my house fell off of what ever was holding it up. A tea towel had fallen off my stove handle, a wash cloth had fallen off my guest bath tub, a hand towel had fallen of the towel rack in my master bathroom onto the back of my toilet, and even a face mask that I had hanging on an octopus tentacle hook as a back up that had been there for the last 2 months fell down onto the floor. I actually noticed the mask first and was confused before picking it back up and running to the bathroom really quick before I left. That is when I noticed the bath tub wash cloth on the floor. After that, I walked around my house to see if there were any others and that was when I found the other 2 had fallen.

I couldn’t figure out why when my doorbell rang. I have a no soliciting sign outside my house so I thought it might be a neighbor. I opened the door and some random guy said he was with AT&T and needed to come into my (fenced off) yard to bury some cables. No neighbor had told me this was coming and he didn’t have ANYTHING on his person to identify him. His clothes were plain and non-descript. His truck was a working truck but had no company logo on it and no AT&T logo either. He didn’t even identify which neighbor needed this! The towels falling had kind of put me on edge since I was confused as to why that would happen and then this guy showed up not even 5 minutes after it happened. I asked for something that identified him with AT&T and he said he was a contractor for AT&T.

I asked for identification again because I wasn’t letting him into my yard to be able to see through my windows without knowing who he was. He got all huffy and stalked to his car (which he had parked in front of my neighbor’s house) before apparently asking THEM to let him bury a cable. They have a loud guard dog that is always flying off the handle so they let him and then put the dog back out into the yard.

Later that week, I actually needed to get a new phone because mine was not holding a charge anymore and I asked the lady I was working with about it. She said that they do use contractors sometimes and that he should have had an ID to show, even if it was just a piece of paper showing that his company contracts with AT&T. But that if he had needed to bury a cable, it was weird to her that he could just choose a different yard to bury it in…. I don’t know if he really did work for AT&T and was trying to do his job, worked for them and was scoping out a place to rob later, or didn’t work for them and was up to no good but I took 4 items in my house falling right before he rang my doorbell as a sign not to let him into my business and I feel better for it. Thanks Frank!

Trust no one….. Especially if your resident ghost gives you a sign…. or 4…

Has anything spooky ever happened to you? Leave a comment below!

Click here for Part 1 of this post.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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