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Why do I believe in ghosts? Part 3!

It has only been a few months since the last time I talked about the hauntings that happen pretty frequently in my house but we had more paranormal activity that I thought I would share with you all. I actually forgot about 2 incidents that happened last year that my best friend reminded me of and also to touch on everything that has happened in first 6 months of the year. Since this past December, I have had 11 paranormal/ghostly incidents happen in my home. That makes 11 in less than 7 seven months because June is not over yet. My house is so haunted….. Good times.

July2020: Back in last July, I had a really nice glass humidifier that was sitting in the middle of a table and hasn’t moved since I moved in to my home the year prior. One night it fell at 233am and shattered. The boys were in my room in bed with me so I know it wasn’t them and all it had was a super thin teacup sign I was painting leaning against it that. A few ounces leaning against something that weighed about 2-3 pounds…. And it fell from the center of a table too. Unfortunately, it was completely ruined and I did have to throw it away.

September2020: Sometimes I use bones in magic practice so keep a bunch on hand in tin container with a very secure top. I was cleaning the kitchen and I heard a strange sound of something being knocked across my hardwood floors. I came out to investigate and I found my largest familiar, Niku, playing with one of the chicken bones that I kept in that tin container. I quickly grabbed the bone because I didn’t want him to either choke on it or lose it under some furniture and went to put it away. It turns out the tin container was still very tightly shut with a small offering dish still sitting on top of the lid and the container itself was still inside my closed cabinet…. I’m not really sure how one of the bones managed to get out with the tin and cabinet doors undisturbed.

December2020: In December, I was invited to visit the zoo lights with a girlfriend who works security at the zoo. We got a few perks from her working there and one of them was to meet their 2 resident rhinos! It was an amazing experience and so in honor of it, I got a super cute holiday rhino stuffed toy to commemorate the visit. Said rhino was sitting on my table and the bell around its neck started vibrating and slightly jingling for an entire 3 minutes straight. Nothing was touching it. It was just sitting there on the table from when I had brought it home. I was watching it for a minute just waiting for it to stop because it was kind of weird. I figured maybe I had knocked the table or something. It never stopped so I put my hand on it to stop it and it stopped while my hand was on it and then continued once I took my hand off of it. I managed to get part of it on video. I turned all my music off and just sat there in silence recording as it continued at the exact same pace and tone for about 2 minutes.

February2021: My first experience of the New Year (that I saw/remember) was a another set of books falling off of my book shelf again. One was the Poisoner’s Handbook (a super great read on prohibition and the start of toxicology as a field) as well as one other book that escapes me at the moment. I forgot to take a picture this time. However, once again these were books that were clustered on my shelf which was completely packed and there was no way for them to just fall. I was in the room when they fell so I can safely say there was no kitty nearby. They always seem to fall off of the bottom 2 shelves of my bookcases.

March2021: I have a cat skull on my altar. TWICE during this month, the cat skull not only did a perfect 180 degree turn to face Hekate on my altar, but the rubber band that was holding it closed disappeared. A third time, the skull looked as if it had been disturbed very roughly but it is not in a place where my boys bother. Nothing was disturbed around the cat skill either. I still haven’t found that rubber band to this day.

This is the rubber band that went missing. It is used to secure the jaw in place.
Twice the skull was facing Hekate in her giant clam shell like this. The first time with the rubber band, the second time without the rubber band.
The third time, the skull seemed to have been roughly knocked over. Again, cats don’t touch my altar and this one happened while I was in the room and the boys were nowhere nearby.

March2021: I own a super cute wooden sketching figure of a cat that I keep on one of my bookshelves in the guest bedroom. Well one day, I went into my guest bedroom and the cat figure was not only NOT on the bookshelf anymore, it was 8 feet away on the dresser in a different pose.

This is his typical pose after I returned him to his proper position.
This is how I found it.

March2021: I have a very pretty moon lamp that I used to keep on my altar. My altar was pretty messy because I always seem to have so much on it but it isn’t cluttered and falling over. I was hanging with the boys and I heard a sound in my living room. It turns off my moon lamp had fallen OUT of it’s holder and rolled about 20 feet away from my altar and all the way across the room. Once again, no kitties nearby and this is a piece that is heavy enough it can’t just move without help. Especially when it is sitting in a very solid metal base.

Big metal base. No room for a cat. No cat in the room. Moon randomly falls off and rolls away….. (Pardon the mess! I was reorganizing the room!)
Once again, pardon the mess! I was reorganizing! But here is my moon lamp across the room.

March2021: Finally, towards the end of March, I had a bit of a crazier than normal experience. I was so exhausted one night that I had one of my prescription medications in bed with me and had meant to take it, had every intention of taking it, but fell asleep with it right there next to my pillow. I woke up the next morning and my medication was completely gone. I looked all over my bed, around my bed, removed the sheets and covers, around and behind my nightstand, and NOTHING. I looked hard because this is a medication you don’t want to just abruptly stop taking. I gave up and called in for a refill after I tore apart about half my room trying to find it. That night, I went to sleep as normal and when I woke up the next day, I couldn’t believe what I saw. I have a beautiful wooden box that mom gave me with my initials in gold on it. I keep it on my dresser near my bed. And wouldn’t you know that this box had not only rotated 180 degrees so that now the hinges were facing out towards me and the opening was facing the wall, but my medication that had disappeared the day or so prior was sitting next to the box with not a thing around or in the box disturbed.

March2021: And FINALLY, the last thing to happen this past March involved a friend of mine visiting. She will be moving here to San Antonio in August and is having a house built ahead of time. She came to visit and stayed with me so that she could make the final choices on tile, floor, counters, etc. Her plane arrived super late but we still stayed up chatting and laughing and finally when we did go to bed, it was about 1am. She stayed in my guest bedroom and had unplugged the nightlight because she didn’t think she needed it. Well as it turned out….. while she was trying to sleep, she glanced in a corner of the room in between the curtains and a bookshelf and saw what seemed to be a dark floating head with no facial features close to the ceiling. There wasn’t a body that she could remember but the scariest thing was that the hair was floating around her like she was underwater. Needless to say she was terrified. She barely slept at all and she kept her phone flashlight on all night long. In her defense, she didn’t scream and wake me up! However, when I saw her the next morning and asked her how she slept, she started telling about this freaking thing she saw. I asked her why she didn’t wake me up and she was afraid of what would happen if she spoke or made noise. But then I told her if her flashlight was on, she should have just called me and I would have come whether she spoke or not! She didn’t think of that. The only special thing about that bookshelf is that I have a beautiful traditional Czechoslovakian doll at the very top still in her original (slightly damaged over the years) box. My friend saw black hair so maybe the doll was possessed and didn’t like her? That’s our assumption but technically we have no proof one way or another.

Admittedly ,this angle makes her a little creepy but she is ACTUALLY very pretty if you see her in person!

Obviously March was a wild month for my house….

May 2021: I had been cleaning my bathroom in May and when I bent over to pick up some shampoo bottles to move so I could clean the tub, I saw the little black ghost cat. I noticed him quickly because Constantine chirps when he comes in the bathroom and is easily 3 times this things size and weight. As soon as I noticed him and turned my head fully to see him, he disappeared again. This is the same thing black ghost cat I have dubbed “Fluffy Frank” who had been playing with Loki back in November (see Part 2) and walked across my legs while I was in bed last June (see Part 1).

June 2021: The most recent happening in my house was another odd one. My altar is the entire front portion of my fireplace. However, for sanitation purposes, I keep all herbs and spices except lavender and sage in the kitchen in sealed containers. I went to my altar this morning and found that the entire altar had been dusted with cinnamon powder. I had thought it was sand from the giant clam shell Hekate stands in but after dropping a few grains next to it, I realized these were brown and fine instead of white and course and it was also very aromatic. There is no cinnamon on my altar. There is nothing containing cinnamon on my altar. In fact, there shouldn’t even be cinnamon in my living room. Somehow, with all of my cinnamon in sealed spice jars, a portion of my altar got dusted with cinnamon powder. It was most obvious on my obsidian scrying disc which I had just polished last week in fact. I’m not sure what the smudge on the disc is thought.

About 3 weeks ago, I invited Sekhmet into my home as I had finally decided that she would be an excellent patron goddess to accompany Hekate on my journey. The obsidian disc sits in front of my statue of Hekate and next to my statue of Sekhmet. As it so happens, cinnamon is a very typical offering to BOTH Sekhmet and Hekate….. APPARENTLY I have been skimping on their offerings and so the ladies took it upon themselves to correct that and decided to make their own. All over my altar. #CinnamonGoddessRave

That about brings us up to date for weird paranormal incidents happening in my house! For now…. I am sure they will continue to happen and I will update you as they occur!

Click here for Part 1 and Part 2 of this post.

Has anything spooky ever happened to you? I would love to hear about it! Leave a comment below!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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