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Why Do I believe in Ghosts? Part 4!

It’s always something in my house. Things moving, being broken, put in spots impossible for cats to reach or place, etc. Here is a list of the most recent things that have been happening in my home! I am definitely a believer!

Jul2021: A friend of mine came over for breakfast which she does about once a month. This isn’t her first experience with the paranormal in my house. She was the one who had seen my Parisian Masquerade mask moving on the wall before too. This time she saw the little black cat ghost multiple times around her feet while we were eating and it kept startling her. She kept thinking it was Constantine but when she looked, it was far too thin and small and she only caught glances. Not only that, but it kept pressing its nose against her ankle and then doing one rub against the leg after. All of her leg hairs were standing on end and then as soon as it stopped touching her, they calmed down again. A few minutes later it would happen again. That was probably the jumpiest breakfast she had ever attended because it kept startling her. This went on for about 2 hours straight. I never saw the kitty but I also was on the other side of the table and wasn’t looking. I named him Fluffy Frank a while ago. I see him randomly throughout my house a couple times a month. My friend is not so used to it. It for sure wasn’t my boys either as Constantine was passed out in the guest bedroom at the time, Charlemagne was sleeping on the kitchen cabinets, and Nikolai Romanov was basking in the sun by the glass doors. Constantine is my only black cat mini panther so Fluffy Frank it is!

August 2021: Another friend of mine, I call Mewmew, came over for tea and Fluffy Frank kept pressing against her leg as well. She also kept looking down to see what was pressing against her leg. This time it wasn’t her ankle like my other friend but the back of her calf. It is a very solid feeling when Fluffy Frank presses into you even though nothing is there. She kept startling and was like WHAT IS PRESSING A COLD NOSE INTO MY LEG? I just kind of trailed off “Ummmm….. ghost cat probably…..” She kind of just gave me a horrified look. I guess I forgot to mention there was a ghost cat in my house to her. Just like my other friend, Mewmew kept looking down thinking on of the boys was nuzzling her for attention. Again, none of the boys were nearby and eventually, Charlie wandered over and actually did rub against her leg. She was like “OK THIS ONE IS SOLID!” Unlike the 2 hours of before, this one only went on for about 20 minutes before Fluffy Frank stopped picking on her nerves.

Oct2021: I bought a super cool painted eye for the ambiance of my home and placed it in a teacup I don’t use very often. Well, Frank paid me another visit. I was walking around the dining room and kitchen cleaning when I saw Charlie on the table and staring unblinkingly at towards some of my knickknacks on the buffet in my dining room. It had been facing forward as I originally placed it. After I came out of the kitchen and saw Charlie staring without movement, I noticed it was now facing away in a different direction. I turned it back and went about my cleaning again. I’m kind of used to random movement of usually unmoving objects in my home at this point.

I just turned it back around and went on cleaning

Nov2021: Our little ghostly friend was active again! All kitties and myself were in the dining room relaxing and drinking tea. (Only I was drinking tea). 2 of the boys were sunbathing by the windows. I heard a loud sound in the guest bedroom and ran in there to make sure everything was ok. I found books pulled out and on the floor again. As per usual, there were no cats in sight and they were all accounted for around me when it happened. It opened on a really old German dictionary I own from the 1800s. The pages it landed on had the words progress and projection. I take it that either I am making progress (yay!) or the ghost is trying to project (yay?). The longest definition on the open pages was projection. It was also very interesting to me that 2 other books had been pulled out and pushed to the left so that the dictionary could come out.

This is how my books normally are. I am big on putting them in height order for the most part because to do otherwise, kind of triggers my OCD……

Dec2021: I saw a shadow man multiple times throughout December. I even saw him about 3 times in one night one time. All 3 kitties were staring at the doorway where I kept seeing him. He would keep passing up and down the hallway going from the guest bedroom to the living room. The creepy thing is when you are in bed with 3 kitty babies and you see a shadow man walking past your room multiple times a night. I never did find out what he wanted but it looked like Frank. Since Frank has never hurt me or the boys, I just let him do his thing and kept on reading. To be honest, he never even looked at me as he was walking by. He just kept walking like he had a task in mind. I really feel like my guest room and living room/dining area are the spots that are specifically haunted with the amount of action that happens there…..

Sorry about the size…… it wouldn’t let me make it smaller…..

Feb2022: I have a sun lamp at work because my office is extremely dark without a window. Normally I don’t mind because I was probably a little mouse in a past life but sometimes, you just need some good rich light! For that reason, I got a Vitamin D simulating sun lamp. It is really helpful on days when I am feeling down and mood is just off. Well, one day I walked in and all of a sudden, it turned on without me touching and it and basically started strobing. That was fun. Bring your ghost to work day? This has happened twice now.

Mar2022: My friend who has already dealt with a moving Parisian Masquerade mask and a cold ghost cat nose on her ankle, was leaving my house after our monthly, and surprisingly unghostly, breakfast. She turned right back around just after I closed the door, knocked, and told me my ghosts weren’t allowed to come home with her. As it turns out, as she was walking to her car that was COMPLETELY TURNED OFF with her key in her pocket, both front windows of her car went down at the same time right as she approached the vehicle. No power to the vehicle and yet half the windows decided to lower as she approached. I just laughed and told the ghosts to get back in the house and leaver her alone. It seems to have worked because the hauntings keep happening around me and my home and nothing else has happened around her outside of my home.

Mar/Apr2022: I saw Fluffy Frank multiple times walking through the house for about 3weeks and while I was painting my guest bedroom a lovely shade of royal blue. I guess the changes I’ve been making to the home were causing him to be more active? Hopefully he likes them! I sure do!

Apr2022: I had taken some time to visit my mother in North Carolina and we did a mother daughter road trip to Pennsylvania. Upon returning to NC, I put my suitcase in what used to be my room and is now the guest bedroom. The whole family was downstairs for about half an hour and we were all enjoying good conversation and a cup of ice water after our long car ride when all of a sudden we heard a crash upstairs. It turns out that a photo album my mother had been working on before we left for the road trip had flown sideways out of the bookshelf it had been sitting in.

May2022: The latest has been this first week of May when I was sleeping with the boys and I heard a ceramic dish get dragged across the ktichen floor for about 4 or 5 seconds. It is a very distinct sound because I place the dish down a few times every day. Nikolai gets fresh chicken because he has a sensitive tummy and so I shred it and put it in the ceramic dish just for him. When I heard the noise, I jerked up and I knew what the sound was. The first thing I did was check to see where the boys were and all 3 of them were snuggled in bed with me. 2 of them had perked their head up at the sound as well. I got out of bed to check and make sure the sound was what I thought it was and I was right. The dish had been moved a few tiles over where I would not have put it as it would be a tripping hazard there. Since it was empty, I am going to assume a ghostly someone wanted me to fill it for the boys. I did and went back to bed. Niku munched for a few minutes before he came back and joined me for a few more hours of sleep.

That about brings us up to date for weird paranormal incidents happening in my house! For now…. I am sure they will continue to happen and I will update you as they occur! But this is seriously why I believe in ghosts. I have never had this stuff happen to me when I was growing up and ever since Arizona, it has either attached to me or to something I own. When I got to Texas, Fluffy Frank joined the household next. I smudge regularly, cleanse my altar space, bless my home, put up protection amulets, all the bells and whistles. They still haven’t left. As I said previously, as long as nothing violent happens and no one is hurt, I won’t complain. They can hang here (even if they don’t pay rent or help with chores…. loafers….). I’m just used to it at this point.

Click here for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this post.

Has anything spooky ever happened to you? I would love to hear about it! Leave a comment below!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,