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Why Do I believe in Ghosts? Part 5!

Definitely a lot more sightings of Fluffy Frank in the last few months for sure! But there were also a myriad of other things happening as well.

June2022: I saw the little ghost kitty about twice a week every single week this month. I love that the little kitty seems more comfortable coming out and being seen!

July2022: I saw Frank in the kitchen while I was cooking. I actually saw him twice this month in the kitchen. The second time, my husband had just left the room and was headed down the hall when Frank kind of faded into and out of existence in the kitchen while I was doing dishes.

August2022: I saw both Frank and Fluffy Frank a few times throughout the house. My friend’s car windows dropped again when she got home from my place. This keeps happening while the car isn’t even running or anything. She was upset and thought Frank had followed her home. While I know that car windows can sometimes drop when the motors run out, I will say that it has only happened in her car these 2 times and both times have been when she has come to visit me which she does about once every month or 2. Gotta love being an adult! It is very suspicious that they only drop when she comes to me. To me, if the motor were failing, it would drop other times as well, right? The last time this happened was back in March. It happened as she was leaving my house.

September2022: This was quite a month! I saw the ghost kitty again which I always enjoy doing. My friend came over for some cooking lessons and while we were in the kitchen, a hand pressed into my bag and gently pressed me forward. My friend was in the dining room petting Niku and no one else was in the house. That one definitely startled me. A week later, my best friend of 24 years came to visit me in Texas with her 72 year old deaf Romanian mother who is an absolute savage joy to be around. She knows my house is haunted but we really weren’t going to tell her very religious mother about that. When they first came into the house, I introduced them to the 3 kitties and told them their names. Well, every day they were there, her mother kept trying to confirm with me that there were 4 kitties. I kept telling her no, there were only 3 and she kept giving us a look like she didn’t quite believe us. It was a bit hard to communicate with her but I believe she was seeing our little ghostly furball, Fluffy Frank.

September2022: Books were knocked off the shelf again. This time they were all romance novels which I can totally get on board with! I do love me some good historical smut! My husband was gaming with his friends and all 3 cats were chilling with me in the kitchen. We leave the guest bedroom door closed so that we can prevent kitty fur from building up where our guests sleep. It is a fact of life for us and we have accepted it. That doesn’t mean our guests need to! And yet4 books were knocked off the shelf.

Our home flooded on Samhain and 2/3 of the rooms had to be ripped out; walls, carpets, floors, everything had to be ripped out. We packed it all up and moved everything into 2 rooms of our home and the garage so if things were moving, we certainly didn’t notice. The renovation took quite a while since we had to fire our contractor and have a new contractor fix all the things he messed up. But once things calmed down again, the activity was easy to notice again.

February: I saw the little black ghost kitty 4 times this month and my friend who would come over for tea saw him twice in one visit and once during another. He even rubbed against her both visits with his cold wet nose and it freaked her out.. I saw the male ghost that lives in my home. Every time I see him, he is a white man of Latin decent with a slight tan. He is about 5’9” and wears jeans and a white shirt with an open button down. He is also VERY bald.

March: I saw the male ghost in my home three times this month in both my kitchen, dining room, and bedroom mirror. I saw flashes of the cat ghost once or twice too.

Despite it being almost a year since my last ghostly update post, I think it is safe to say I am still haunted.

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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