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Witch Crafts Altar Dish

This is a tutorial I have been meaning to make for a while now. It is the blue brocade altar dish I have on my own altar. Personally, I put a statue of Hekate inside of it and place coin blessings in the dish each day and occasional offerings when I work magic.

It was very easy to make and originally was a dish I had gotten from Goodwill. It was flat and wide and the perfect size but it was an ugly shade of white. So I decided to spray pain it black. That worked well except that it melded with the original material weird and so sometimes, items would stick to it and either pull of the pain or it would tear off and adhere to the dish.

Eventually, it began to look a little worse for wear. Napkins holding offerings had attached to the paint, melded, and then tore off. Then I had an idea to cover it in cloth and make it pretty again! It was only the shape of it that I liked so why not cover it up and make it a beautiful part of my altar again instead of looking so shabby all the time.

Materials needed:
1 altar dish
1 large strip of fabric (I used a blue brocade I had lying around)
1 hot glue gun
2 glue sticks

I used a little hot glue in the center of the dish, then pressed the fabric down. I personally wanted one of the decorative circles in the center of the bowl so I started there. It is the dead center so I know where to put my statue of Hekate without having to work too much on getting it centered.I used a bit more around the lower edge of the dish and pressed the fabric down again to make sure it would stick. Then I hot glued the top of the edge to ensure the fabric molded with the dish. Charlemagne came to help out at this point. Dark Arts and Crafts on the floor always warrants Familiar curiosity.

Finally, flip the bowl over and continue to attach the material to the underside of the bowl, making sure you keep it as neat and even as possible so that the material does not make your bowl unlevel. Depending on the bowl, if you need to cut the fabric just before it reaches the base where it stands, then do that. You wouldn’t want it to tip over with a statue of your god/dess in it!

The completed project should look something like this! I have been using it for many months and so far, it has been perfect for my needs! The blue matches my Sea Witch theme, it holds Hekate perfectly and never tips, and my daily coin blessings and other offerings don’t stick to it anymore.

I hope this gives some of you a few ideas for your own altars! A little fabric over a shelf, bowl, or other object can really personalize and give new life to your altar!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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