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Witch Crafts- Golden Altar Offering Shell

As a sea witch that deals with a lot of water magic and such, I tend to have quite a few oceanic references throughout my home and altar area. I found a giant cement clam shell that I absolutely loved at first sight. I’ve been using it for years as an offering dish and holder of my deity statues. My main colors are blue and gold and so I generally will paint or purchase items in those colors. I had imagined the shell would look fantastic with a shimmery golden interior and decided to do just that. It cost me all of 2tbsp of paint, 1 large paintbrush, and 15 minutes of my time due to multiple coats.

The initial shell is very cool and very heavy. It had a lot of dark areas and I accidently burned a few spots with incense. Oops! I wanted to cover this up as well as make it look a little more fancy. I decided I wanted to mix a few shades of gold so that I had a bit of shine to it that would reflect candlelight beautifully.

Once I had a color I really liked, I went ahead and started painting! Honestly, all I knew is that I wanted at least the inside of the shell to be gold. I did a little bit along the rim as I went to ensure that I could cover up my incense burn marks. I also brought the gold all the way up to the top of the shell and I feel like it really came out well! The shine in the sunlight and candlelight is gorgeous. After painting 3 coats to make sure everything was very even, I left it to dry for 24 hours. Finally I could use my new and improved altar shell!

The final product has made me really happy and I have received many compliments on it whenever I have visitors over. Every day I put a few gold nuggets, diamonds, ancient Chinese coins, or doubloons in the altar shell for each of the blessings I feel I received that day. It is a form of mindfulness that has really helped me see… no matter how bad my day could be, I still had something at the end of the day to be grateful. It really helps you to end the day with a positive attitude and is very much like the manifestation box. Honestly, once my shell fills up, I put all the offerings in the manifestation box I originally posted about and it makes me happy to see the treasure chest continue to fill with all of my blessings. It also really adds to the sea theme of my home.

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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