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Witch Crafts- Hekate’s Key

There have been many crafts I have wanted to make for a long time and I am finally getting to them due to being home for so long. About a year ago I found a super cool picture on Pinterest of a necklace key made of snake spines that someone used for their own practice with Hekate. I absolutely loved it and wanted to make one for my own altar.

I loved the theme of the necklace but I wanted more color. This one only had a few beads on it and not a lot of color. Even the key on my altar is very detailed. I wanted to take this craft and make it my own. Since I practice as a sea witch, I use a lot of blue hues to match my home’s theme. I had been planning this for a while and decided now would be a great time to do it!

To begin with, I wanted to use the key on my altar because it is so beautiful. I don’t even remember where it got. The thing is years old. It is an old ornate iron key. It is VERY heavy. I think I got it at a flea market back in college over a decade or more ago. I loved the look of the snake spines but I didn’t want quite as many. I found gold beads, rainbow hematite beads, and lava stone beads from the gem show in Arizona. I also found these really pretty beads that were blue and had an almost Greek design on them which was perfect for what I was going for. I used sinew for my thread which looks very old world against my key instead of actual thread.

Bad pic because I did it by candlelight which was very calming and meditative.

The hardest part was deciding my pattern for the beads. It took almost 2 hours (I actually had to redo it because my string was too short). I loved the look of it in the end but had to take it apart one more time because it was just too long. When I wore it, it went down past my pelvis. So instead of 12 (12 being a lucky number in Greece) sets of 3 snake bones, I did 9 sets of 3 snake bones which was the PERFECT amount. 3 being a number sacred to Hekate, I felt like it made it even more significant. It just didn’t feel right when it had 12. As soon as I finished the necklace, I found it to be absolutely perfect. The final product was lovely and matched my home well.

It probably would have gone a lot quicker but I just couldn’t decide on the pattern for the beads and Charlemagne kept grabbing my thread and trying to run off with the unfinished necklace! He knocked the beads all over the floor too. Familiars are quite helpful! And other times, not so much. This was one of those times…..

This was a great craft to do and occupied a good part of my evening. I highly recommend giving something like this a try for your own craft! Change up the symbol (key) to match your deity and rock your own personal theme! This was a lot of fun and looks GREAT on my altar!

Charlemagne liked it too! So much so that he took to stepping all over my altar to see it which he knows better not to do. Such is life with a curious kitty!

Everyone stay safe out there! And if you have other craft ideas or made one of your own deity necklaces, I would love to see them in the comments!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,