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Witchify My House Part 1

I really enjoy the witchy aesthetic in general and honestly, having my home look and feel more witchy makes me FEEL more magical all around. I also hate having mundane and boring things out on my counters. I am all about making my home bougie or at least unique. I did a bit of shopping recently and I found a super cute container from the Home Goods store for only $7.99.

How absolutely perfect a container is this for anything that might normally sit on my counter? I usually leave a big container of Premier Protein out on my counter because I work out at the gym so often that it is a hassle to move things around and put the big thing in the pantry only to take it out again. Since this new container seals quite well, I thought, it’s the perfect size! No more ugly container! After, it fit everything perfectly and now my counter looks even nicer.

From there, I decided that I did not like my knife block any longer. My cousin got me an ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS 6 piece knife set for Yule one year and those are pretty much the only knives I use besides my Serbian cleaver. The knife block just takes up space and holds the 6 I use while my cleaver sits on my drying mat at all times because I don’t have anywhere else to put it. I decided to rectify that and ordered a kitchen wall magnet. After removing the knife block and keeping only the knives I used, it freed up so much counter space and allowed me to display my gorgeous knives in a way that they were still easy to access. I even found a magnet with a wood finish to match my kitchen.

This is easily one of my favorite corners of the kitchen right now. I also completely recommend these knives to ANYONE interested in adding to their collection. The knives are extremely sharp, sturdy, and easy to use and sharpen. Complete with my protein powder and this portion of the counter automatically upgraded to maximum aesthetic and efficiency.

I hope you enjoyed my personal upgrade and maybe inspired you to do something yourself! It was worth every penny considering how often cook and use the container!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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