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Witchy Asks: Bottle Crafting

Bottle crafting was requested so I will be showing how I used this pretty bottle I got for $2.99 from a thrift store into an excellent storage for litter deodorizer pellets. The bottle is very beautiful and the plastic container used to store litter deodorizer pellets is very unsightly. I try not to leave things out that are obviously a type of cleaning product or sent product. The decanter bottle was obviously some kind of crystal liquor bottle. Now it is going to hold litter scent pellets!

Since I have a bit of an ancient Egyptian theme whenever it comes to the kitties, I made sure to continue along those lines. I went through all of my beads and found enough to make a very beautiful double charm that hangs off of the bottle. I also had enough to make a charm to go on the little cat deity bust that I planned to put next to it.

The little ushabti figure is actually a little chalk figure that I got years ago which came with a book on Ancient Egypt I received as a present. I never did use it and it was so unbelievably cute that I kind of just kept it around. I figured this would actually be the perfect opportunity to make use of it without wasting it as a piece of chalk and no longer having the figure. Originally, I was going to have just one set of beads hanging off of the bottle, but I found a necklace that I never wear and used the main bead from that. I planned out how each one was going to look first. Originally, I was going to use wax to secure the beading to the bottle, but I did not want to prevent the bottle from being able to be washed since it was going to be in proximity of the cat litter box. In the end, the charm just hangs around the bottle at the neck and can be removed when for cleaning purposes.

Once I planned everything out, it was just a matter of beading everything together and getting the correct lengths for each charm. I really like how they came out and it was enough to make me want to adorn the cat bust that I was going to place with the bottle and candle. First things first, I washed the bottle very thoroughly since it did come from a thrift store. After it had been washed, I used a normal plastic kitchen funnel to pour the deodorizing pellets into the bottle. I was able to fit about one and a half cans of the deodorizing pellets.

Next came the beading. After everything was laid out and the patterns I wanted figure it out oh, I beaded everything together and secured it with one last bead holding all of the strings together. It was as easy as 1, 2, 3 to fit the little charm over the bottle. Again, I had considered using a sealing-wax to secure the charm to the bottle but I wanted to ensure that I would be able to wash the bottle in between uses since it would be near the litter box.

Next, was to dress up the cat bust that was also going to sit on the same tray. I had an ankh from another necklace but it was silver and that was one of the reasons I had never used it before. It was pretty but…. inaccurate. If you know anything about ancient Egypt, then you know that they basically ran their entire Empire with gold.

I used a shimmery gold paint to first paint the metal portion of the Ankh. It actually came out very nice and afterwards, I laid out the beads in the manner that I knew that I would be stringing to the choker I was going to give the cat bust.

Once everything had been completed, the necklace was tightened and tied to the bust and it came out looking quite nice. The Ankh definitely looked better in gold.

I don’t think it looks quite as authentic as the other charm hanging off of the bottle but I still really like the collar that the bust was wearing in the end. Maybe one day I will go back and make it look a little more authentic but for now, it looks great! The gold tray completed the look and now it sits atop my litter box and no one is any wiser!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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