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Witchy Asks: Crystal Grids

A fan requested crystals and crystal grids back in August and my life has been a little crazy so I hadn’t had a chance to get to it. I’m so very sorry Laurie! That being said, we are back on track and per her request, we will start with crystal grids! I hope everyone finds this information to be helpful!

Picture from Pinterest

What is a crystal grid?

A crystal grid is a geometric layout of stones. These stones are laid out in an intentionally arranged pattern, formed with an explicit purpose, energized by intent and/or affirmation, connecting the individual crystals to a network of energy. The pattern is designed to raise energy for a specific purpose. When working with a crystal grid, you will lay out the crystals in a focal point or sacred space near your spell work or meditation spot.

Witch Tip: It often helps to say out loud what the grid is addressing such as harmony, healing, or banishment.

The central crystal: Its properties and purpose are amplified and complimented by the surrounding crystals.

Witch Tip: Oftentimes a clear quartz generator can be used for the center to amplify the rest of the stones you have chosen to work with.

Surrounding crystals: These crystals are chosen for their complimentary properties that enhance the holistic effects of the grid.

Witch Tip: Often, 4 of each stone you want to work with is laid out facing the 4 cardinal directions. However, you can have as many surrounding stones as is needed for your spellwork. If you are working with a certain number related to a deity, symbol, or numerology sequence, you can alter your surrounding crystal amount to coincide.

The pattern: The pattern of the crystal grid can be inspired by nature, sacred geometry, crystalline structure, symbolism, or just a free flow. Link the crystals together by finger pointing or with a wand to start the flow of energy. Gridding in any sacred geometric shape is powerful.

Witch Tip: Use your intuition to arrange by shape, color, texture, size, or other category. Your grid and accompanying items can be as simple or extravagant as you like, but make sure to always have fun with the process!

Picture from Pinterest

For water witches and many others who use the natural world incorporated in their grids, you can also use flowers, leaves, shells, berries, and other natural items you can find in nature. It helps to enhance the beauty of the grid, as well as enhance the properties associated with those items used.

Witch Tip: If certain stones are difficult to come by in your area of the world, creating your crystal grid with other materials enhancing the central crystal may be an option.

Picture from Pinterest

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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