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Witchy Asks: Hematite

More stones were requested and so, of course, I want to adjere to that request! I have a couple more posts on stones planned out over the next few weeks, as well as some on Dark Arts and Crafts and Herbology. So without further adieu….

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Birthstone: N/A
Meaning: Grounding and clarity
Chakras: Base/Root, Earth Star (below the feet), Hand
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aries, Aquarius
Planet: Mercury, Mars
MOH’s Scale: 5.5–6.5
Element: Air, earth, fire
God/Goddess: Aradia, Ereshkigal, Hine-Nui-Te-Po, Gaia, Ares, Loki
Anniversary Gift: 7th, 22nd

Hematite is one of the cardinal sources of iron in the world. Although Magnetite consists of more iron than hematite, the latter is widely found on earth. NASA discovered grains of fine-grained Hematite on the surface soils of Mars, which is the chief cause of the planet earning the nickname of ‘red planet’.

Hematite is a shiny grey/black stone classified as a metallic crystal. Stones with a metallic luster have a unique appeal and stand out due to their shiny colors. Their glittering and reflective surface draws them to the eye and visibly separates these gems from their surroundings. The magical luminous qualities of this group of crystals explains why they were among the first to be used by cave dwelling humans. In the past, metallic stones have been an important source of metal for humans.  Hematite is made of iron oxide and shows magnetism only when the gemstone contains magnetite. Hematite is a widely functional gemstone according to scientists as it is the cheapest way to stop X-rays. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, this may be a stone you might consider investing in. It would also due to avoid hematite jewelry next time you go in for any kind of radiography.

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Taking its name from the Greek ‘haima’ meaning ‘blood’, hematite is one of the main sources of iron ore and has many healing uses. Hematite is an iron oxide composed of iron and oxygen. It is a rusty color when powdered and obtained by sprinkling it on metal surfaces. Hematite usually occurs as black or dark grey stone, though it also has a brown form called limonite. Being an iron-based crystal, it is not surprising that it was a popular with warriors. It was believed that rubbing the body with hematite would confer strength and invincibility on a warrior, ensuring victory.

Highly polished mirrors of hematite have been found in Olmec tombs in South America as burial gifts, usually accompanying the bodies of females. In Babylon, hematite was believed to procure the favor of kings when petitioning, and bring good results in lawsuits and judgments. A seal of hematite was also thought to enable a man to destroy his enemies. The Ancient Egyptians often used hematite to make amulets, including scarabs and the urs (pillow) amulet that was placed under a mummy’s head.

It assists in balancing the mind, body, and spirit. Hematite was long since used to draw out toxins and negativities from the human body; however, it is best to use it as a crystal patch than a gem elixir due to its chemical structure. The best stones to combine with Hematite are Rose Quartz and Diamond, owing to its neutralizing properties that match with the etheric powers of hematite.

Akin to its etymology, hematite is a blood healing stone that was widely used by healers and shamans in the olden times. Once upon a time, hematite was renowned as the blood stone. Hematite is an astonishing crystal that stimulates the absorption of iron and the formation of red blood cells. Thus, it heals disorders such as anemia and numbing in palms and feet due to bad circulation. It is said to oxygenate the blood and boost the production of red blood cells within the bone marrow. It is both a blood cleanser and purifier. This can help ease those with heart and liver disease. Hematite was also used for kidney conditions. The smoothed stone was rubbed over the kidney region of the body, activating its healing powers.

If you are a highly sensitive empathy, this is definitely a stone you want to keep around you at all times. One of the key anxiety relieving gemstones, hematite is also excellent for people who find themselves easily frustrated in life. This stone helps you in times of stress and worry. Hematite improves the mood by increasing blood circulation which can help with headaches, stress relief, nervous system, and fatigue.

is also ideal for people with chronic pain in the back, neck, joints, and shoulders. In addition to healing arthritis, hematite also helps in resetting broken bones and ligaments quickly. The Ancient Egyptians were well aware of the value of hematite as an amulet to strengthen the Base Chakra. All of their amulets for treating lower back pain were made of hematite. The Roman physician Galen prescribed hematite to treat general inflammation, inflamed eyes, and headaches. The former ailment, the methods of application were to mix the powdered stone in honey and apply this to the eyelids, or to rub a smooth piece of stone across the eyelids, or whatever part of the body was inflamed.

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Natural stones such as hematite can help balance the body, as well as your home when used with feng shui intentions. As the most grounding and protecting of all stones, it can help you, your mind, and your home to feel balanced, centered, and connected to the earth. Dark colors protect your home from negative energies by absorbing them. As an excellent protective stone, hematite is best placed at the entrance or gate of your home or office to prevent negative energies, including burglars, from entering. This is an excellent stone to keep in the office to ensure a clear and stable workspace. The opaque gemstone is often carved to the front door of a house for Feng Shui as well.

Witch Tip: Keep a hematite in each room of your home to absorb negative energy.

The root chakra is also connected to this stone, which enhances its ability to ground and stabilize. Hematite is an all purpose stone of grounding and energy balancing and is spectacular at dislodging negativity. It is a stone of balance. Creative blocks can be easily cleared using hematite programming and regular wear as a jewelry. Through regular use, hematite brings over a positive change in the aura of the wearer that also makes them charismatic. The grounding stone is especially useful for those who are easily distracted during conversations as it helps to calm the mind and clear cluttered minds too.

Witch Tip: Keep hematite on your person while Mercury is in retrograde for quick grounding and protection from negative energies that are sent in your direction from others during this time.  

Hematite helps to enhance endurance and is a strengthening stone that assists the wearer in their connection to the earth, leaving them feeling safe, secure, and grounded. It builds emotional stability, assertiveness, and courage.

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Hematite Grounding Spell to Release your Troubles into the Earth

Hematite builds a deeper connection to the earth, aiding in intense grounding. Choose a hematite stone that you are attracted to and in a quiet place, tell it all of your troubles. One by one, no matter how long it takes you, explain each trouble or problem that you have thoroughly and clearly. When you are finished, bury the hematite somewhere away from your home. This will shrink your troubles and relieve your problems as the earth neutralizes the negativity you have placed into the stone.

Hematite is known as the ‘Stone for the Mind’ as well as the ‘stone of mental mastery’, and is a stone of wisdom and increases clarity and mental organization. Hematite cuts through confusion and enhances your resilience in the face of difficulty while helping you to overcome the fear of failure. It stabilizes your mind into calm reason and self control and shifts negative energy out of your auric field. Hematite buffers you with a protective barrier, helping to ground your thoughts and emotions. It brings you down into your self again and allows for mental clarity and concentration. Hematite promotes logical/original thinking, practicality, technical knowledge, will power, memory recall, and problem solving abilities. It promotes common sense and level headedness while encouraging focus and helps you to find your own, unique talents, releasing self-imposed limitations. Hematite augments mental clarity while helping you see what is most important when juggling priorities. It neutralizes anger and tension and boosts self-esteem.

Witch Tip: The fridge is often where we hang pictures, notes, lists, coupons, magnets from travels, and other important items that need to be seen. Place a few pieces of magnetic hematite on your fridge to tack up grocery lists or appointment reminders to enhance your ability to remember and will to accomplish them.

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Hematite allows one to surrender to the universe, make a decision to let go, and move on. supports hopes, dreams, wishes, and desires. It is a magnetic stone crucial to ancient magic rituals. Hematite is a transformative stone that teleports the soul from one realm to another. Because of this, hematite is an excellent stone to use in divination and aids in astral projection. This crystal is an exceptional empathy crystal and can be a great tool for use after ceremony or ritual to help bring you back down to earth. Finally, it can assist in promoting sound sleep.

Witch Tip: For revealing your destiny or fortune, light a candle on a full moon night and observe its reflection on the hematite while entertaining the thoughts that bother you.

Hematite is a very strong, sturdy, and heavy stone. These traits can reflect greatly in the user. When it touches your skin, you immediately feel more balanced, calm, and centered. It eliminates the negative energy in your body. Hematite absorbs and dissolves negativity and transforms it into love. It can assist one in creating peaceful, loving, and kind relationships while enhancing your personal magnetism, will, and boldness. Although hematite can provide you with the energy you need, you have to cleanse it regularly. However, it is said it will break if it absorbs too much negative energy.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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