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Witchy Asks: Aquamarine

A fan requested the March birthstone crystals of Aquamarine and Bloodstone so here is the first! If anyone has any other requests, leave them in the comment section or you can request it in Request a Topic.

Picture from Pinterest

Birthstone: March
Meaning: Courage
Chakras: Throat
Zodiac: Pisces, Scorpio, Gemini
Planet: Neptune
MOH’s Scale: 7.5- 8
Element: Water, air
God/Goddess: Neptune, Poseidon
Anniversary Gift: 19th year

Aquamarine is derived from the Latin ‘aqua marina’, meaning water of the sea and is a member of the beryl family. The color is caused by iron ions replacing aluminum ions in certain locations in the structure. With its soulful shades, the aquamarine is synonymous with serenity and harmony and is often found in Brazil, Nigeria, and Zambia.

Aquamarine is a water stone for cooling and soothing agitations, infections, and pain. It is said to increase intelligence and make one youthful, and was considered to be an effective treatment for anxiety. It has long been considered the symbol of happiness and everlasting youth. Aquamarine can be used to reawaked love and passion in a long and tired relationship as well as provide its wearer a sense of calm and serenity, as well as courage, foresight, and happiness.

Aquamarine has a stimulating effect on your mind, improving memory, encouraging creativity, and opening your mind to new experiences. It helps one to live in the moment. This stone clears your communication centers for healthy expressions. It encourages truth and honesty and being true with oneself. It will help you to trust in the universe and let go. It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. It clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion. This stone is wonderful for meditation. Aquamarine shields the aura and aligns the chakras. This stone also soothes, revitalizes, and softens pent up emotional energy while also creating strong, warm healing energy for the body, mind, and spirit. Aquamarine can pacify nerves, banish phobias and ensure calm and tranquility. Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people. It helps guard against malevolent spirits.

Aquamarine attached to muscovite from Pinterest

Ancient Egyptians placed aquamarine in tombs to aid souls in their journey to the afterlife while Greeks used it as amulets engraved with the image of Poseidon. Ancient sailors carried it along as a good luck token to ward off accidents and illnesses. Aquamarine was also used by Hindus to enhance mental clarity and public speaking skills.  

This stone was considered by the Romans to be sacred to Neptune, god of the sea. It was originally believed to have been washed onto shore from the jewelry box of mermaids. Another name for aquamarine is the sapphire of the sea and the treasure of mermaids. When submerged in water, its power becomes augmented. Aquamarine was used to reverse poisoning during the middle ages. The stone was adopted as a modern birthstone by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912.

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,