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Witchy Asks: Bloodstone/Heliotrope

A fan requested the March birthstone crystals of Aquamarine and Bloodstone so here is the second! If anyone has any other requests, leave them in the comment section or you can request it in Request a Topic.

Picture from MalaKamala

Birthstone: March
Meaning: Strength
Chakras: Root
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio, Pisces
Planet: Mars
MOH’s Scale: 6.5
Element: Fire
God/Goddess: Jesus
Anniversary Gift: N/A

Bloodstone, also known as Heliotrope, was known as the stone of courage, vitality, and ‘iron clad strength’. Bloodstone is a variety of the silica mineral chalcedony. It could be used for healing, strength, prosperity, mental vitality, wisdom, and self-esteem. This is a great stone in aiding in decision making. Bloodstone bulldozes obstacles out of its path and brings honesty and integrity to relationships while renewing love and healing wounds. Bloodstone is also used in spells to draw money or increase wealth, calm fears and anger and ensure victory in legal matters.

Aligned with solar forces and sacred powers of healing, bloodstone is a useful crystal to work with to energize, protect, calm, and heal. It was regarded as a powerful cleanser of blood and had the ability to purify organs. It can also be used in regulating blood pressure. Use this stone for grounding and protection. It is also useful in combating stress and will help stimulate dreaming and your intuition. Using bloodstone will help to curb chaotic mood swings while supporting focus to purpose. It brings clarity to mental processes and inspires hope at the same time as building emotional strength.

Picture from Pinterest

The use of bloodstone stems from Ancient Babylon and Egypt, but the tale of its legendary origin is more astounding than its powers. This crystal has long been credited with the power to heal. According to Christian folklore, the blood of Christ, as he hung on the cross was said to have splashed onto a piece of jasper and turned it into bloodstone. In Ancient Egypt, it was ground and mixed with honey as a cure for tumors and to stop hemorrhaging. Blood stone was thought to staunch the flow of bleeding, clear bloodshot eyes, cure hemorrhoids, and protect the bearer from poison. It would also remove energy blockages as well as negative energy. Ancient Egyptians also believed bloodstone could protect against deception. As a protective amulet, it would help you to see through lies. Bless the crystal with the four elements on the dark moon and then carry it on your person either in a pocket, purse, or wearing it.

In Babylon, the crystal was worn on the arm or over the chest to prevent internal bleeding and once the stone had been put to this use, it was never discarded as it was believed that a permanent link with the person had been made. A bat engraved on bloodstone will give the wearer power of demons and aid in incantations, while carrying it could bring you fame.

According to myths across the world, bloodstone has the power to detect changes in the heavens and, therefore, is able to shroud things from view. Ancient Greeks and Romans carried them during athletic competitions to give them the physical strength to be victorious. Bloodstone is also known as heliotrope from the Greek words ‘helios’ meaning sun and ‘trepein’ meaning to turn upwards. This name comes from the ancient belief in Greece and China that heliotrope could detect solar eclipses, indicating the presence of the moon as it approached the sun. In the Middle Ages, heliotrope was said to bestow the power of invisibility on the bearer when rubbed with the juice of the heliotrope plant. Dante Alighieri in the Inferno section of The Divine Comedy said, “nor hope had they of crevice where to hide, or heliotrope to charm them out of view”. It is often associated with Kundalini.

“In days of peril firm and brave,
Wear a bloodstone to the grave”

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,