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Witchy Things To Research That Aren’t Basic

Back in 2020, I published a post about Topics for new witches. It was an excellent list for those who are newer to the craft or are looking for something new to look into. Every so often, I need a bit of inspiration when I can’t think of what I want to read about next. However, it has been a while and so I wanted to push a new list, a list of things to research that are a little more for someone who is more experienced.

A chart detailing information from spirits you have communed with
A guide to sailor knots for knot magic; learn to tie your neck tie in a new knot
A history of magic and famous magicians/ alchemists who practiced
A local specific myth, cryptid, or legend
A map of your city with locations that appear ghostly, have an interesting energy, or are supposedly haunted
An obscure historical witch or an old historical spell
Create your very own new spell or sigil
Magical practices around the world
Obscure magical tools or tools you have invented yourself
Varying viewpoints in magical philosophy and technique (I’m a huge fan of Carl Jung myself)
Your personal associations to colors, plants, gems, deity/ies, and magical tools

This list is far shorter than the previous list but you can see that it is far more personal and far more specific. This list is to take what you already know and apply it to your life, your home, and your city. The point of these tasks are to apply your practice in a more intimate manner and help you go from beginner to expert in your craft.

Which one are you going to do from the list? Let me know in the comments!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron
Spotify Podcast: 3 Cats and a Cauldron (Soon to come to all of your favorite podcasting platforms!)

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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