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Yule Day 10

Happy New Year’s Eve! Every single year for about 4 years now, I have done a tarot reading for my friends. This year it will be over Skype since we are now so far away from each other, but we love the tradition. Normally I let them choose from my section of tarot spreads that I have in my Book of Shadows but this year, I have chosen for them. I chose the Yule Spread and the New Year spread. The Yule spread I posted back a few days ago and the New Year spread was posted yesterday.

Today I took 2 full car loads of random STUFF and dropped it off at Goodwill. I took a bath with my super cool lucky kitty bath bomb from Lush, and I got to watch my neighborhood’s fireworks display. They have been doing this every night since the Winter Solstice.

I also wound up rescuing a puppy. My neighbor’s dog got out right in front of me and lucky for them, I was able to catch him. He was a fat little dachshund mixed with corgi but he still slipped out right under their fence. They were so grateful I had caught him. No one wants to lose a sweet fur baby!

At the same time, my best friend who has recently moved to New Jersey, rescued a husky from the side of the road today as well! The husky was also able to be reunited with its family. Puppy rescue twins! This would not have been the night to get out since fireworks scare animals and unfortunately, New Years Day is the day that shelters are filled to capacity with the huge influx of animals that ran away in fear. Make sure you keep your fur babies inside! Just because we enjoy fireworks, doesn’t mean they do!

As far as rituals, I smudged the house with Palo Santo 5 minutes before midnight to clear the energies. The house smelled amazing as I had been burning scented candles for the last 6 or 7 hours.

Upon smudging, I lit some frankinscence in offering to Hekate and and cleansed my altar.

I wrote my intentions on bay leaves and burned them away into existence. I wanted reduced physical pain, financial success, and happiness. Truly, I feel all of those things are possible with a little effort and that is why I chose them.

And of course I lit the next candle!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,