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Yule Day 12

Yule has finally ended and with it, the new year has begun! Politically, it is a mess, and currently Australia is on fire, but I know that I, at least, will do my best to channel good vibes for the new year! I took down all the decorations so I can start off nice and fresh. Low key, all the extra decorations and clutter stressed out my anxiety….. So I feel really good putting it all away!

With taking 2 car loads of items to Goodwill, I have opened a ton of space in my garage so that I will better be able to store my decorations when I put them all back. On that note, I found a cool little Turkish shop and bartered with the lady (I love bartering) for a beautify protection piece. I plan to hang this by my altar right behind Hekate!

I also lit the final candle of the wreath! Yule has ended and now it is time to manifest everything we have meditated on during this season of renewal!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,