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Yule Day 2

Happy 2nd day of Yule to all! This was the only day of Yule I had to work and so I planned this to be my lazy day. I just love those lazy days!!! Upon getting home, I spent a good 30 minutes calming down Nikolai who has anxiety and cries when I leave. Monday after the weekend with me home for 2 days is always the worst. This often leads to kitty cuddles on the floor. Today, Niku wound up donating a whisker to me in his aggression to be loved and assured I was there! I love when the boys give me presents!

When I got home from work and finished kitty cuddles, I took a 5 hour nap (accidentally, I only meant to sleep an hour or so!) and woke up to pile of cats on me. All 3 of the boys decided they were going to join me for love.

Nikolai also tried so suffocate Constantine but that is beside the point….

I am the only pagan in my workplace right now but that doesn’t stop us from all celebrating every winter thing we can. Our lead doctor brought each of us a cute bottle of homemade SUPER alcoholic eggnog and an accompanying snack. Mine was Milano cookies. Others got little chocolates or trail mixes depending on their tastes. Clearly I enjoy the finer things in life! Our section supervisor also brought us in little mini bottles of alcohol, again suited to what she thought our tastes were. She hasn’t been there that long but she nailed 4/5 of us to a T! She said she knew it had been a long month and we probably all needed a drink. A little tipsy drinking to bring out the cheer made this evening fabulous!

My Secret Santa was also awesome because he got me bath bombs and a jasmine candle! I took a long soak in the bath with some Epsom salts and bath bombs while my new candle crackled merrily away.

I also burned some sandalwood incense throughout the house which was just the perfect vibe in my home the whole night.

I received the most beautiful tea cup for Yule when I opened presents yesterday. I had a steaming cup of tea in the bath and that just made it that much better! Like I said, Yule is a holiday of renewal and this is one of those times of year I see people fall apart from stress. I always make a point to relax and give my body and mind the time and activities I need to feel whole again. No divination this time. Just a steaming cup of liquid hugs to accompany bath time reading!

And to close the evening, I lit the next candle in my Yule wreath! Day 2 down!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,