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Yule Day 6

With the passing of Day 6, Yule is now half over and the New Year is quickly approaching! I am so excited to make 2020 just as magical a year as 2019 has been! Today did not start off quite as magical however, as I had to get a new work ID card. When i walked in, they said the wait would be about an hour. I though, “Great! Not terrible! I can get it done, get a quick workout in, drop by work to say hi to those who are in today, and then take off!” What actually happened was I sat there for over 3 hours, finished one book and began another book, and was so tired and hungry by the time I left, I grabbed some SubWay on the way home and then passed out for a nap in a carb coma…. Not my smoothest or most festive day….

But! I did take the time to really get my home ready for the new year. I burned some frankincense and smudged the air so now everything smells so clean and fresh! I have about 3 car loads of things boxed up and ready to bring to a charity. Getting all of that out of my house is going to be a huge weight off my chest. I love cleaning the clutter from my home.

One thing I did do was work with my tarot cards. I am trying hard to become better with my cards. My deck especially, is very rude. I feel like all of the tarot memes I find on the internet apply to my deck…. I created a spread that was simply described without any art in one of my pagan books on Yule and the other one was a spread I had found ages ago but I really didn’t like how it was presented. It used a lot of bold colors and some things were misspelled so I redid it to match my Book of Shadows and my home’s aesthetic. The background pictures are now more aesthetic as well!

If you would like to use them for yourselves, feel free!!! And of course I lit the 6th candle on my wreath!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,