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Yule Day 7

Yule is half over but we aren’t even close to winding down! This is a season of joy and new beginnings and fun! As a sea witch, I really wanted to do something that had to do with the ocean and so today, I went on an adventure. It was my first time going to Sea World and it was magnificent!


I know some people are not a fan of Sea World for ethical reasons but from what I saw, it really seems like they are doing everything they can to take care of their sea creatures. These were some of the cleanest cages/tanks I have ever seen. There was no fishy/ fecal smell at all and truly it was a joy to be near such incredible creatures that we can’t often get close to.

He looked so offended here….

It was just the rejuvenating ocean feel I needed!

Dad bod dolphin I happened to snap a pic of as he popped out of the water!

I got a few ocean themed souvenirs to decorate my home with as well! One of my souvenirs was a new ornament for my tree to celebrate the season!

Due to the weather being a little dreary, the park was almost empty. There were no lines, there were no people far too close for comfort, and no wait to the restroom! I got 5 hours of walking in and was able to reconnect spiritually with the marine life. There were a few places where I was able to just sit and watch and meditate without any interruptions. This little guy was at one of those places.

Easily one of my best photos! <3

Afterwards, when I got home the temperature had dropped about 5 degrees and it was beginning to sprinkle. I warmed myself up with some extra rich hot cocoa and spent the rest of the evening reading about the Goddess Isis.

And the 7th candle has been lit in my wreath! <3 What a day! <3

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,