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Yule Day 8 & 9

Yule is almost over and with all the hiking I did on Day 6 and the walking I did on Day 7, I took it easy again today. I even slept in until 0800!!! Exciting I know! But that doesn’t usually happen. 6am and I am up. I spent the time getting my house in order and putting away all Yule presents in their respective place. I still have a (very) small pile in front of the tree, but I need a few things to be able to hang them up so a trip to the hardware store is in order for me tomorrow!

I was busy working on 2 posts for tomorrow as well. One for turquoise, the birth stone of December, and one on holly, the birth plant of December. I realized today that I hadn’t done a crystal post in a few weeks and what better way than a monthly birthstone post!

My neighborhood has been very festive and ever since the Winter Solstice on the 21st, they have been setting off fireworks every single night. It has been a very enjoyable way to end each evening! I drank some lemon ginger tea this morning and then finished the day off with some sweet lemon tea.

When I woke up on Day 9, I had to go to physical therapy and that left me hurting. So I went and got a massage and some new Lush bathbombs! They have a lucky cat bathbomb I am planning on using for New Years Eve! They also have a super cool geode one I want to use some time this week as well.

I took a trip down to the river walk and had some Italian, finished off with a cappuccino while looking at the lights. It was all very festive.

Afterwards, I went to the zoo to see the zoo lights which was delightful! They had a light show and everything!

Day 8 ran away from me so I lit the 8th and 9th candle together on Day 9!

Yule is almost over but this holiday has been absolutely rejuvenating. I will write out my new intentions for the new year on the 31st and hopefully I will be able to manifest them all! I checked last years and I was able to manifest 7 out of the 9 things I had written down, and one other was in the works. Good odds I would say!

My tarot spread from the other night seemed very positive towards my goals (first time in 2 or 3 years I haven’t gotten the darn TOWER card!) so I look forward to what is to come! I also finished a new spread for the New Year! Again, this is one I had found before but it had GAUDY bold red colors and was hard to read and just not my aesthetic at all…..

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,